Solarizing soil?

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Slipperless member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Glen Rock - New Jersey
I'm thinking ahead for next season for the pepper plants. I would much rather refresh and reuse soil than dump and purchase new potting soil. My pepper plants are in pots not in ground. I was wondering if I can solarize old soil from the post in a black construction bag for use next season? If so how long should the bag stay in the sun?
If you're going to try this approach out, you might want to consider using a clear, transparent plastic bag, as that will be a bit more effective than a black contractor bag. They do make clear contractor bags.

I have only ever read up on solarizing garden plots, so I don't know specifics about potting soil. In garden plots, you want to use transparent sheets of plastic, choose the hottest and sunniest time of year, and leave that down for at least a month or two.

For a small amount of potting soil, I assume it wouldn't take quite as long, but you'd likely want to do this in the summer, place it in direct sunlight for as many hours as possible and leave it there for as many days as possible. I would also suggest breaking up the soil as much as you can and spreading it out as thinly as you can.

Another option might be to compost the potting soil. This is the approach I use, but it does of course require a bit of space and a lot more time. The quick and easy way is to sterilize the soil in an oven if that's an option for you.
All - I really appreciate all the feedback. I just don't want to waste soil and have perlite littered all over my yard.

I think the happy medium rotating soil annually and adding fertilizer might be the way to go. So any given season there will be a bag of soil in the yard for a few months
I have been using the same soil in 4 large containers for 6 years, ever since I arrived in Michigan. I top dress or add a couple of inches of new soil every spring when I plant. I grow tomato's, 3 cherry tomato's in one container, bell peppers and cucumbers on a wire cage. Yield is consistently good especially since I trapped out 5 woodchucks/groundhogs out of my backyard. ( never dreamt it was 5! ) I fertilize 4 times a summer.

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