something different

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May 29, 2011
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southern Indiana
This is (micranthum x Fanaticum) x roth, purchased as a small seedling from OI about 6 years ago. I think it illustrates the fine line between interesting and grotesque. The pouch is actually bumpy. Mike

6 years!! How small was it and how big is it now?

The plant looks clean and nice.
Flowers look basically the same shape as Gloria Naugle but with Fanaticum color.
About the best outcome of the cross in my imagination.
I've seen two in bloom and they were nowhere near this good.

Colors are just light enough and the lines are bold. Crisp and pretty! Certainly different! :)

I actually wanted to get a large seeding last year but I guess I waited too long as it is no longer on the updated list of OI.
Regarding the size 6 years ago, I don't recall the number of leaves or leaf span, but it was in a 2 inch pot for about 2 years. Current it is a single growth of 10 leaves with a leaf span of about 11 inches, growing in a 5 in pot. It is growing in Orchiata and it appears to be happy. Mike
This is really nice!

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Beautiful and aesthetically appealing flowers !

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We are used that pouches in the shape of this cross must have another colouration. With regard of this - these flowers need getting used to. Beside of that - these flowers are quite nice.

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