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Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
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This Phrag. Glen Decker (kovachii x Jason Fischer) is actually spiking.

Considering the parents and how small the plant still is, it looks like I'm gonna get the smallest ever kovachi flower hybrid. :confused:

Any plant that shows a willingness to bloom is a keeper in my mind. I have had several kovachii hybrids bloom in 2.5 inch pots, on single growths. Easy to get to bloom is a good thing. Not all seedlings of those crosses will do that. The majority will be much slower to get around to blooming. Flowers were not as big on my small plants as the 'awarded' ones, but I am certain they will size up over time. The early/easy bloom trait may have actually come from the other parent, rather than the kovachii.
I've found Phrags to be pretty willing and eager bloomers even as small plants.
Can't wait for the bloom!

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Glad to see it is taking off. I get so nervous when they stop for a few days, and relieved when they start to grow. So far so good. Shiva, could I ask what you are growing this and some of your other plants in? It looks like it has a good amount of peat or something in it
It's called Aussie Gold Mix. It's mostly made of coco peat and diatomite chips. Not everyone succeed in it but it works perfectly well for me. Almost all my plants are growing in it.

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