Hello my fellow orchid enthusiasts. I am trying to grow 2 plants of Sophronitis coccinea 'xanthoglossa.'
I have had them for about 4 weeks. Currently, the leaves are turning paler and look very dehydrated, though they are growing larger. Psuedobulbs look plump and healthy.
Temp max: 65 F
Temp min: 53 F
Humidity: 50%
Watering: once a week
Fertilizer: 100 PPM nitrogen. Breakdown: 20 / 16 / 15
1) Sphagnum and clay pot 2in
2) Roots thinly wrapped in Sphagnum with 1/2 inch bark surrounding. Container is 2.5in slotted plastic.

I have had them for about 4 weeks. Currently, the leaves are turning paler and look very dehydrated, though they are growing larger. Psuedobulbs look plump and healthy.
Temp max: 65 F
Temp min: 53 F
Humidity: 50%
Watering: once a week
Fertilizer: 100 PPM nitrogen. Breakdown: 20 / 16 / 15
1) Sphagnum and clay pot 2in
2) Roots thinly wrapped in Sphagnum with 1/2 inch bark surrounding. Container is 2.5in slotted plastic.