This is one of the better Phrag. hybrids, not only because it is hard to kill, grows like a weed with minimal care, and produces flowers almost continuously, forever, on a larger plant, sorcerers apprentice is also an excellent parent in breeding and under utilized. It is a big plant, that being said, most Phrags do require space as they get larger. Even besseae spreads out of its pot and a 10 year old plant can by several feet wide if left un touched.
Culture for sorcerers apprentice is easy. Warm, constantly moist (the longifolium dominates here), and dont be afraid of bright light. These can tolerate low light (the longifolium again) but do best in moderate to bright light, which also helps keep the leaves below 3 feet on larger plants. Size and its prolific floral habit means it needs constant fertilizer to keep going. Like the species, every watering at 25% strength and an occasional r/o flush is all you need.
Btw a great form.