Spring in Central Minnesota

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
Here are a couple of pictures taken in the yard this morning.

That is the same here in Reno, we don't know when it will snow or rain or hail etc etc etc. I remember when it snowed in 4th of July!

And here I am, grieving over the low 40's for the next couple of nights!
Dang! You got it bad. When I opened my window in the moring a couple of days ago I saw about 3-4 inches on the ground and I thought that was bad. Well you got love MN. Close to 80 one day and 4 in of snow on the ground the next.:rollhappy:

It snowed today so I had to bring in over half of the plants from outside, in at work today. Which to say was not fun.

Your spring must be on it's way as we have had our first winter rains for the season. Where we live the temperature hardly ever goes below +5 degrees Celcius. I can also notice it from my bulbs which are all starting to appear. Bulbs like Gadioli, Watsonias, Babianas, Lachenalias, etc. I cannot resist to do a little bit of advertising here for our bulbs. Go to this website and look what beautiful bulbs we have growing in the Western Cape of SA: http://www.safricanbulbs.org.za/about_IBSA/IBSA.html
I can only watch the snow from a distance.