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The onset of this may have been related to humidity - the plants were being boarded when this came on. But has anyone seen something like this be REVERSED by drier air and more air movement? I believe those are more preventive measures.

Cinnamon and "Dragon's Blood" are natural compounds and interesting. Phyton 27 is a fungicide (Copper pentasulfate or something like that). I forgot to mention that I did a Physan (quaternary ammonium chloride?) 50:50 H20 soak on the Wayne Booth.

Thanks for your advice, but one of my questions was not "What do you think I should do about this" - unless the advice is "dump them", "keep treating", "wait and see" - because my question is, given all the treatment I've done, is this just going to keep spreading when they get a little more damp, etc.
