That sickening feeling

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Nov 28, 2009
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
This is Cattleya trianaei ‘Balling’ bought about four years ago from Currlin orchids in Germany.
It’s been vigorous plant from the start and has done well as I’ve learned the art of indoor Cattleya growing.
Finally it has produced a great flowering with two spikes and seven flowers.

3871D7AC-DAF1-4241-B21F-A88F50BC4FE0 by david harrap, on Flickr

56BC1F30-16AD-40B9-A014-D93C1C42D4CB by david harrap, on Flickr

Take a look at the individual flowers. There are colour breaks in all of them in pretty much every petal.
So what to do if this is virus?
How easily do catts transmit virus?
I have intermittent issues with scale but it’s been almost all eradicated with a heavy dose of a neonic last autumn.
The plant can obviously tolerate this virus and still grow.
Decisions decisions!
What would you do?
Has it been tested for virus? Or could it be mutation? Could maybe test for virus if feasible.

Since you've been growing it for this long.... may as well keep growing it. The flowers still look very nice..... and individual..... variegated.

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