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We all have things that works in different situations. From my experience with frequent summer rains, the risk of crown rot rises. without installing outdoor fans in my growing area, i am at the mercy of the wind. Typically, it all works out and rot is not an issue. Very rarely do I lose a plant to crown rot. Still watering into the crowns by my own hand or heavy, frequent rain increases the risk, especially when growths are tight or when plants are packed too tightly together. Air movement is needed around pots and between leaves.

Learning and adapting from observations is what helps people be come better growers. One day I hope to have a greenhouse and there will be an entirely new set of lessons. For now, I have learned from my indoor/outdoor growing. Indoors multiple fans run 24/7. Outside that is not the case.

I repotted Hat Tricks and they looked amazing. Outstanding root growth. The extra time in the compot was for the better.
