Two Paph Doll's Kobold

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jun 9, 2006
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North central Minnesota
Got these a while back. Doll's Kobold = charlesworthii x henryanum


I would like to try another one of these sometime. I really like the look of them. I killed mine after a little over 2yrs without ever seeing it flower. It just never wanted to thrive. It must have had a lot of charlesworthii influence. It was so slow and would just set and do nothing. I tried different lighting...different grow spot...different watering schedule. FTT Syndrone = Failure To Thrive
Congratulations, a couple of cuties there.

These are always adorable! I like the dorsal of the first one and the pink colour of the second.

Do they have that white charlesworthii staminode too?
Ross - how dare you tease me with these when I'm not seeing buds on my 2 yet! :( This has got to be my favorite primary!
What is the size difference between the 2? I'm not sure what you & Eric mean when you say consistency, I see quite a difference, mainly the form.
Allen - sorry to hear that, try again! I got a 4growth plant from Tom K. 2 yrs. ago, it is now 7 growths & has 1 flower open & 2 more buds! I do nothing special, treat it like all the rest!
Ross - how dare you tease me with these when I'm not seeing buds on my 2 yet! :( This has got to be my favorite primary!
What is the size difference between the 2? I'm not sure what you & Eric mean when you say consistency, I see quite a difference, mainly the form.
Allen - sorry to hear that, try again! I got a 4growth plant from Tom K. 2 yrs. ago, it is now 7 growths & has 1 flower open & 2 more buds! I do nothing special, treat it like all the rest!

Let them get cold. Mine spent late June and early July outside while I cleaned the growing area. During that time we had unusually cool weather, with highs in the 60's and 70's and lows as low as 45F.
We have one in spike too. Can't wait! It gets very large temp swings since it is in a room with a 1000 watt MH. Days to 90, nights to 45; most commonly 86 hi, 58 low. It is in semi-hydro.
