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Thanks guys for the interesting discussion.  Annette 'Golden Age' falls under the category of my last post - it was bred and awarded at a bad time for complex paphs in the US.  It went with all the Stewarts' paphs to Europe - Lippewunder is Anja x Deadwood Trail - both Stewarts' grexes - so it's not a surprise to me that very little has been done in terms of breeding large grexes with Annette in the US.  I'm aware of two pieces of it in the US, and some in Japan and clearly some on the Continent. Of course I may be wrong and it may be more widely distributed but I think I'm correct - based on its breeding records and its beauty I wouldn't be surprised if it constantly holds pods and therefore doesn't get much chance to grow!

Russ - yes both these crosses are originally from Francisco Baptista of the former Paph House (along with my former judging mentor Fred Jernigan).

Another note is the consistent parent in everything I've seen with some orange in it - these two, Annette, things like London Wall, Greenstede, Miriam Sacher, Sweet Accord and so forth all have in their background a plant called Gold Mohur.  it may just be coincidence - Gold Mohur is a parent of nearly 100 crosses - but I think maybe somewhere in its genetics is the key to this type of breeding.  Looking through RHS paintings shows it as a parent again and again in orangey colored offspring.

Maybe as more of my oranges bloom I'll find Gold Mohur in their backgrounds as well.
