Watering frequency for paphs in the winter

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Oct 12, 2024
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Specifically, Paph micranthum and Ho Chi Minh (delenatii x vietnamense), which I've read are both parvi types.

For micranthum, I've read that they like to experience cooler temperatures in the winter (above freezing but can be as low as in the 40sF/5C), as well as being nearly dry before the next watering. How correct is this? A complication is that mine is also in bud, so I'm not sure if this means increased watering.

I just received a Ho Chi Minh from Hausermann's. Their care sheet says they are moisture loving and should not have a drying between waterings. However, PaphParadise's site says that mottled leaf types should be watered when the medium gets close to dry. Which one sounds more correct? I also assume that these instructions are for during warm weather, but does watering frequency change when it gets colder in the winter?

I'll throw in an extra question: I also have a Phrag kovachii x boissierianum which I keep pretty wet. Should it be less wet in the winter?
Yes, they do experience wet and drier seasons.
I would use evenly moist when they are actively growing, never getting too dry. In nature which is largely Southeast Asia, they do experience a drier season. Not a bone dry season but one with a lesser amount of rainfall.
Some Paphiopedilums from that region, namely the Brachypetalum group, do experience times of cooler temperatures but I wouldn’t call them cold temperatures. I have always thought for my Brachys and Parvis, 52-58F was “cooler”.
Specifically, Paph micranthum and Ho Chi Minh (delenatii x vietnamense), which I've read are both parvi types.

For micranthum, I've read that they like to experience cooler temperatures in the winter (above freezing but can be as low as in the 40sF/5C), as well as being nearly dry before the next watering. How correct is this? A complication is that mine is also in bud, so I'm not sure if this means increased watering.

I just received a Ho Chi Minh from Hausermann's. Their care sheet says they are moisture loving and should not have a drying between waterings. However, PaphParadise's site says that mottled leaf types should be watered when the medium gets close to dry. Which one sounds more correct? I also assume that these instructions are for during warm weather, but does watering frequency change when it gets colder in the winter?

I'll throw in an extra question: I also have a Phrag kovachii x boissierianum which I keep pretty wet. Should it be less wet in the winter?
Micranthum does experience near or below freezing temperature during the winter months in the habitat. I believe this is among the major reasons why many indoor growers without access to cold room have a hard time with this species. With that said, I have bloomed a few micranthums with low 50s as night time minimum on my windowsills in NYC. Delenatii occur in the region where the winter minimum is much higher at around mid 60s to high 50s. No wonder it is the easiest parvi to grow and bloom for many.
Watering for potted plants in my opinion is pretty much this; water when the pot contents has just dried out.
Without a high humidity environment like a greenhouse, reducing watering frequency without proper temperature range and high enough humidity can really stress the plants out and fall easy victim to pests.
By the way, when the commercial website says mottled leaf type, they mean maudiae type not parvis. They basically can be grown the same way with good results.
I don't grow phrags, so I'll let others answer the phrag question. ;)
I'll weigh in about phrags. Especially if you have low humidity like me (20%-40%), the more water the better imo. As long as they are in a free-draining mix, they will enjoy frequent watering (I had a ohrag in semi hydro that I watered daily and it had great root growth!). I also keep most of my phrags in their own little puddle in a dish or outer pot. Some are thirstier than others and REALLY seem to need their puddle. I end up watering every 3-4 days year round, maybe more often if it's very warm or very dry. I would not give them a dry period as they don't get much of one in the wild I would think, maybe with occasional species exceptions that I don't know about.

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