Well-Known Member
mostly multifloral paphs some angraecums, gongora, and australian species...but going all out on the brachys too now (after getting some of Nick's plants). Garage space (11 x 18) using lights 2x 400 hailide, 1 x 400 sodium and 1x1000watt halide. Room for expansion (plants currently take up 15 x 5 area) probably get another 2 x 15 and any number of hanging plants i want. plastic all around (which needs wall insulation behind it all around or else wet spots accumulate because of the cold spots)...have two 275 watt vaporizers, which arent enough(and adds to expensive electric bill)...replacing with a minifogger next week. Water drains unto the black plastic into a drain pipe i can swivel into the driveway when needed (garage floor wont drain to driveway and my bedroom wall is one of the garage walls, in case you are wondering). I have two small fans on 24/7 . lights are on 12/12 cycle for 1000 watt and 10on/ 14 off cycle for 400's. Temps get to 88 currently and 65 lows...i run lights at night and dark cycle during daytime to take advantage of temperature
i will still need a bigger space in two years

i will still need a bigger space in two years