Wonderful Habenarias

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Feb 21, 2023
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Baltimore, Maryland, USA
One of the pleasures of a long time in the hobby (67 years in my case) is seeing once-obscure genera becoming exciting mainstream. Today, I praise Habenarias and their kin. Blooms today in Baltimore (totally unavailable or unknown in 1957) include Habenarias Bird of Paradise, davidii, and janellehayneiana.Habenaria Bird of Paradise IMG_0651.JPGHabenaria davidii IMG_0648.JPGHabenaria janellehayneiana IMG_0650.JPG
Equal parts ProMix MX/Turface/Espoma Soil Perfector/coarse perlite. The granite chips you see are a top dressing to prevent washout and mix splashing on the stem and foliage, which can cause stem rot. The granite chip mulch also keeps moisture even. So, ALMOST inorganic.
The ProMix I use is a Canadian product, readily available in Maryland garden centers and from Amazon.com, where mine is supplied by Ebershades in Pennsylvania. As to the Habenarioids, there are many (perhaps hundreds) small species. My favorite small ones include Habenarias xanthochila and janellehayneiana, and Pecteilis hawkesiana. Many of their hybrids also qualify for our Maryland Orchid Society showtable's Miniature class (all parts except inflorescence less than 6 inches). — https://marylandorchids.org/showtablerules2024.html