Wondering about pitted leaves

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Jul 12, 2024
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I have several orchids from two different vendors. Several of the orchids arrived with pitted and sunken areas in the middle. The underside of the leaves seems unaffected. I have kept an eye on them and it doesn't seem to be growing and I am not finding evidence of mites (at least I don't think I am). Would anyone know what causes this? Is there anything I can do to help the leaves recover? And is this an acceptable condition for orchids bought on line? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Well it is all up to you.
Personally I would avoid selling plants looking like that if I was a vendor. You are not representing your business that way.
By the same token, one or two plants showing minor pitting is one thing. It is hard to grow things perfectly!
Check the Saint Augustine Orchid Society web page. Under pests and diseases. There is lots of info there with images and courses of action.
I am sorry to hear that your plants arrived in such a condition. In December 2023 I received an order from a vendor that I will never order from again and some of the plants that I received showed the leaf pitting that you picture. I unpotted them to find that they literally had only perhaps 1/2" stubs of viable roots. Well, with ICU care for seven months the roots have recovered and look quite good. However, the pitting in the leaves remains unchanged. I suspect that the pitting will never change on the old growths and the leaves on new growths should appear more normal. Good luck with your specimens.
Thanks for all the info, and reassurances. I was hoping to know what caused it so that if I see it on plants under my care I will know what is wrong. When🤞this one puts up a new healthy fan it will be all the sweeter.
I know this phenomenon from some of my plants. The exact cause remains a mystery but I suspect problems with the nutrient supply - something to do with the roots as 'Ozpaph' mentioned. One could now speculate that the dealer has a poor greenhouse climate (too hot/dry in summer and too cold/wet in winter).

If the plants are cultivated well these spots remain but the new leaf mass then continues to grow cleanly. I also try to avoid dealers where larger areas have such defects. But if everything else is fine with the plant it will grow out with good care.
Thank you for the name Ozpaph. I tried a google search last night. As everyone is saying it seems often attributed to watering problems, sometimes temperature problems, and I even saw a mention of insecticides causing it. Glad to know it isn't something I need to fret about. Appreciate all the informative responses.
I received an orchid (phal.) that had something weird on its leaf so kept it separated from my other plants but now one of my plants still has seem to "caught" what ever it is any info would be greatly appreciated because I don't want this spreading to my whole collection. I thought it was just bad growing conditions from the person who I got it from but then the plant on the right which was perfectly healthy all of a sudden seems to have the same kind of markings showing up on its leaves.


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Put them in a different room, or at the least be sure no water is shared or splashes from one of these plants to any others. That looks bad. I am not experienced enough to know what it is off the top of my head, but I think Big923cattleya mentioned an orchid society website that has good disease info if you scroll up. It was one of the first responses to the thread.
I appreciate the info about my problem being most likely from mites - I ordered some insecticidal soap from amazon - "Safer brand" concentrate that says to use 2.5 ounces per 1 gal water. Before I spray I just wanted to make sure this was safe for orchids and safe at this concentrate because orchids are not mentioned in the booklet. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for the help.
Hello, I am sorry you are battling this. I am a brand new grower and I have no experience with insecticides. However, I did a search for "safer insecticidal soap" and found this:
Sprayed twice with http://www.amazon.com/Safer-Brand-I...r=8-3-fkmr1&keywords=Savona+Insecticidal+Soap and am very impressed. All bugs dead, even those hiding in the bracts of the plants.
Maybe someone with more experience can provide more reassurances. Good luck with getting rid of the beasties.
Hello, I am sorry you are battling this. I am a brand new grower and I have no experience with insecticides. However, I did a search for "safer insecticidal soap" and found this:

Maybe someone with more experience can provide more reassurances. Good luck with getting rid of the beasties.
Sadly, my jubilation was premature. The bastards came back. I eventually tossed out or let die the infected plants. I am now fanatical about quarantining plants.

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