The following sequence is from my new documentary. I spent 25 minutes stalking the elusive Felinus cantaloupeus, and now I give you this sneek preview. I am working on purchasing the rights for "Too Much Time On My Hands" by Styx for the theme music.
Here we see the herd gathering by the watering hole.
Unaware of the danger that is lurking nearby, a young bite of Cantaloupe breaks away from the herd.
Notice the sleek and powerful physique of the Felinus cantaloupeus. The "Cantaloupe Cat" sniffs the air, training his senses on his prey.
His eyes narrow and lock on the young Cantaloupe. His cat-like reflexes push him into attack mode.
And in a flurry of motion, he strikes.
The young Cantaloupe is no match for the seasoned hunter. It struggles under the immense pressure of his powerful jaws.
He delivers the killing blow.
He will spend many, many seconds licking the juices and devouring his kill before sauntering off into the wild to clean his exotic fur, and nap on a secluded sofa.

Here we see the herd gathering by the watering hole.

Unaware of the danger that is lurking nearby, a young bite of Cantaloupe breaks away from the herd.

Notice the sleek and powerful physique of the Felinus cantaloupeus. The "Cantaloupe Cat" sniffs the air, training his senses on his prey.

His eyes narrow and lock on the young Cantaloupe. His cat-like reflexes push him into attack mode.

And in a flurry of motion, he strikes.

The young Cantaloupe is no match for the seasoned hunter. It struggles under the immense pressure of his powerful jaws.

He delivers the killing blow.

He will spend many, many seconds licking the juices and devouring his kill before sauntering off into the wild to clean his exotic fur, and nap on a secluded sofa.
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