Pearcei vs caricinum

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
Leiper's Fork, TN
Recently someone asked what's the difference between pearcei/ecuadorensis versus caricinum.

I have a bud of caricinum open enough to show you now.

Here's a couple of pearcei's open now:

And the opening caricinum (I'm leaving town for a week, and won't be able to post any pics soon).

The red spotting covers the entire back of the pouch opening in caricinum, and there is more red in the petals. Staminode doesn't look like it has any hair on it from this angle.
The clearest difference is the staminode, but also the growth and the leaves are different, how you can see in another thread

Also when these species were often mixed in the past, both are reallz beautiful.

Best greetings



I'm not seeing that much differece in the plant size or habit that I can use as a diagnostic for separating from pearcei (or richteri for that matter). There is too much variability just based on culture.

Presently leaf size for my caricinum is intermediate between leaf sizes of my largest and smallest pearcei. But I noticed when I got this division of caricinum that it had much larger leaves than other divisions from the exact same plant (over twice the size). If I hadn't known they were all divisions from the same big pot I would have thought that the big one was not caricinum.

Also with the supplementation of epsom salts this summer, one of my pearcie has developed leaves somewhat larger than my presently stunted richteri, and has leaves that are 20% bigger than it produced last year. The richteri leaf spans are presently about 1/3 what the plant was producing about 2 years ago before I repotted it (I think temporary shock to semi-hydro).

I have seen some other thick pots of blooming caricium with very dark, very narrow leaves on par with a small pearcei, probably grown darker and cooler than what I'm doing, so I think most people do see caricinum typically with a smaller plant habit than what this plant is capable of doing.

Take care Rick
I agree with Dot. caricinum is a very beautifull species.

B.T.W. The second pearcei doesn't seem like a pearcei to me. Something like Phrag. Green Hornet comes to mind when I look at the photo. This could also explain the difference in leave size Rick talks about.

Rob Z.