76 points HCC/OSSEA... how many points would u give it? :evil::evil:
76 points HCC/OSSEA... how many points would u give it? :evil::evil:
How many flowers? Next blooming, I bet it will get an AM.
Congrats on the upgrade of the award!
Kevin, OSSEA = orchid society of south east asia, based in Singapore.
nice one. dont be to discouraged with the score. most all multi's these days should have 4 flowers to be in the AM range. even though its 50% anitum, it could still do 4 easily. seems like the norm has gone up that extra notch in recent years. color is obviously excellent, as is the stance of the petals. its a little long. you probly just got nocked for only 3 flowers and the windows at the base of the dorsal
Kevin, OSSEA = orchid society of south east asia, based in Singapore.
Yeah, that's what I surmised, but it would be easier if there was a location listed at the top.
How do they judge it based on 'history' of other awarded plant with no reference? At the WOC, wont they be using AOS criteria and AQ+ program? BTW, I recently found out that that's not enough and you must have good internet access to look up other resources!As far as I know, there are no references during the session to compare previous awards and measurements etc. I also brought in a Masd. Redshine to be judge and that plant was also being rejected. Their explanation was, they have not been exposed to this Genera and are not confident enough to judge plants from these genera. I wonder what will happen during the upcoming WOC.... Any thoughts?
Why would awards given at the WOC use AOS history as a guide? There are many different orchid award systems around the world - what makes the AOS better? I thought that the WOC was it's own system, taking bits and pieces from judging systems from around the world - at least, that would make sense.
Seems a shame to have a plant rejected simply because the judges don't know anything about it. Perhaps they should study first? I guess it's better than judging it anyway and giving it an undeserved award.