Well-Known Member
Holger Perner of Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology will be speaking at the following orchid societies and events:
10/05-10/06/2013 Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania
10/07/2013 Nutmeg State OS
10/08/2013 Massachusetts OS
10/09/2013 Connecticut OS
10/12/2013 New Hampshire OS
10/13/2013 Cape and Islands OS
10/14/2013 Maine OS
10/16/2013 Greater New York OS
He will not be bringing plants, but will accept preorders until September 20th which will be mailed out from the States. You can download the list here:http://massorchid.org/Resources/Documents/Orchid-List%20USA%20Autumn%202013.pdf which includes ordering information.
10/05-10/06/2013 Orchid Society of Western Pennsylvania
10/07/2013 Nutmeg State OS
10/08/2013 Massachusetts OS
10/09/2013 Connecticut OS
10/12/2013 New Hampshire OS
10/13/2013 Cape and Islands OS
10/14/2013 Maine OS
10/16/2013 Greater New York OS
He will not be bringing plants, but will accept preorders until September 20th which will be mailed out from the States. You can download the list here:http://massorchid.org/Resources/Documents/Orchid-List%20USA%20Autumn%202013.pdf which includes ordering information.