Today, cdub and I had the opportunity to visit a preserve where prescribed fire has yielded some of the state's rarest flora.
Calopogon pallidus
The 15 or so individuals at this site represent the only known instances of this species currently in the state of Virginia. Even more amazingly, they only appeared a few years ago. Prescribed fire in the area has made it possible for dormant plants and old seed banks to spring back to life.
Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis
These plants appear to have no leaves. They actually have several, but they sheath the stem very,very tightly.
And finally, the grand finale...
are you ready?
are you sure?
Platanthera blephariglottis var. conspicua
errr... well... I think we've got a bit of waiting to do.
Calopogon pallidus
The 15 or so individuals at this site represent the only known instances of this species currently in the state of Virginia. Even more amazingly, they only appeared a few years ago. Prescribed fire in the area has made it possible for dormant plants and old seed banks to spring back to life.
Spiranthes lacera var. gracilis
These plants appear to have no leaves. They actually have several, but they sheath the stem very,very tightly.
And finally, the grand finale...
are you ready?
are you sure?
Platanthera blephariglottis var. conspicua
errr... well... I think we've got a bit of waiting to do.