Ho Chi Minh!

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Richmond, VA
cdub just gifted this to me about 10 minutes ago! It looks fantastic! I love the big elephant ears.



Two more buds!

I'm sorry I didn't give this one a proper photography session... Too excited!
Glad you like it Z. Sorry bout the condition of that first bloom. It got a bit beat up in the postal system. The other buds should be nice and clean! My favorite part of this flower are the long hairs on the lateral petals near the staminode. It's furry, and you know how I like the furry ones!!
I think any flower photographed in front of that sexy background is PROPERLY photographed!

It's like a hot woman on the hood of a car. :) (Or a hot guy, I don't judge)
NICE!! Gifts rock! Especiallly fuzzy wuzzy wittle pink ones! ;)

PHRAG said:
I think any flower photographed in front of that sexy background is PROPERLY photographed!

Hahaha...I thought the same thing when I saw that glamour shot! I recall another similar shot a few days ago....sweet!

PHRAG said:
It's like a hot woman on the hood of a car. :) (Or a hot guy, I don't judge)

Understatement of the day.....:rollhappy:
Here's a shot of the second bloom:


I don't know what a 'good' Ho Chi Minh is supposed to look like, but I think the huge droopy petals of this one are fantastic!