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    • kman
      Since it was potted up to the larger basket, it put out two new growths and spikes this round. I doubt it will be able to hold more than...
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Phrag Mountain Maid 'Elk #1'.
      No fragrance that I can identify. I'll try at the start and end of a day, just in case.
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Phrag Mountain Maid 'Elk #1'.
      15-5-15 CalMag at 125 PPM N plus urea at 100 PPM N as a constant feed. Once a week or so I do a 600 PPM N urea plus a yucca based...
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Phrag Mountain Maid 'Elk #1'.
      Moss pot:
      • moss.jpg
    • kman
      Flat, large, "award quality" flowers are not always the most beautiful. This one has been blooming sequentially for almost 4 months...
      • Phrag Mountain Maid 02.jpg
      • Phrag Mountain Maid.jpg
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      I stand corrected, Ray. I didn't take into account the 46%.
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      How strong a solution you want to use, I can't say. But about 0.38 grams in 1 gallon of water = 100 PPM N. Volume doesn't work...
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread K-Lite-EA.
      The UREA monster stalks . . .
      • Urea 02.jpg
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      Note the basicity of the material we use. Our water has very low alkalinity and the hardness that is present is from Mg.
      • 15-5-15 label.jpg
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      I use a 15-5-15 CalMag at 100 PPM N, with urea added at a strength of 100 PPM N. Total 200 PPM N, constant feed. Water is > 15 PPM...
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      We use spring water that we pipe in from about 1.25 miles away, with very low TDS - generally less than 15. As you might expect it has...
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      Here is what Claud AI says when answering this question: This is an interesting question about a somewhat controversial topic in orchid...
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      No problem, Ray. You are absolutely right. I have several batches of seedlings growing now at various stages: Phrags, Paphs, Odonts...
    • kman
      kman replied to the thread Any ideas as to what this is?.
      Here is an example of what incorporating urea into our program has achieved. Paph. Dollgoldi grew very slowly if at all for me before...
      • Dollgoldi.jpg
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