Recent content by Paph Paradise

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new flask list

    We have posted a new list: Paph Paradise Flask list Slippertalk members will receive 10% off the list price.
  2. Paph Paradise

    2025 Paph Forum Feb 8

    The cost of renting space for events has doubled (or more) for many venues. The Paph Forum provides lunch, and catering costs have gone through the roof too. Also, the Forum used to take 20% of vendors' sales to fund the event. They have gone to a flat table fee, which is more vendor friendly...
  3. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise new flask list

    Not a huge list but some interesting things. Also we have been adding new seedlings to the online store almost daily lately. Paph Paradise flask page
  4. Paph Paradise

    Paph rungsuriyanum avail online

    To make this clear for USA growers....again.... It is not legal to own or trade in Paph runsuriyanum or its hybrids in the country. This comes directly from my contact at USFWS. The foreign vendors at our shows bring them in as 'Paph hybrids' as there is very little done in the way of...
  5. Paph Paradise

    roth hm x da

    These are not MM x rex, they are the next generation after that cross. 'Dark Angel' had 'Buff' as one parent but I don't recall the other off the top of my head. Dave
  6. Paph Paradise

    Paph rungsuriyanum avail online

    Most jungle collected plants look like garbage, and most die very quickly after collection. The time they spend getting to a nursery while they are bare root does them in. Dave
  7. Paph Paradise


    I suppose it depends on the center. If the curator doesn't understand the requirements for a particular species it is probably doomed. Dave
  8. Paph Paradise


    Most of the collected plants that are sold are just ripped out of their habitat, not in anticipation of development. Depending on the species the survival rate can be extremely low. The year leading up to the WOC seemed to have record quantities of collected Paphiopedilum species offered in...
  9. Paph Paradise


    Paphiopedilum vietnamense plants were seized by US authorities when someone was caught smuggling the species. They were sent to a rescue center where they were pollinated and the seed pods were sent to Antec. This was the legal source of the species in the USA. Sort of a work-around for the law...
  10. Paph Paradise

    New flask list at Paph Paradise

    There is NO NEW FLASK LIST at this time. I will get the old one taken down as soon as I have a minute, but I have been on the road then fighting a bug for the last week. Just slept most of last week! No new flasks are expected until fall. Dave
  11. Paph Paradise

    Salts from fertilisers

    Going back to my Chemistry roots....technically with charcoal it is 'adsorption', not absorption. Paper towels absorb liquids, ions adhere to charcoal by adsorption. We use charcoal in our mix since our water is relatively hard. The charcoal is likely effective for a short period before it...
  12. Paph Paradise

    Paph Paradise coming to NCOS Paph Forum

    Last minute change of plans! I will be in Maryland at the Paph Forum on Saturday. You have about 12 hours or so to get any pre-orders in. They are due at noon Eastern time on January 16th. Looking forward to seeing many of you there. Dave
  13. Paph Paradise

    You be the judge

    I agree that there are some as*****s that can ruin a team (or even a judging center). If I run across someone like that I will stand up to them and challenge their position. I have been told that I can be very intimidating, which came as a surprise to me (well, maybe not but I thought that was...
  14. Paph Paradise

    You be the judge

    Most of my breeding is not done with AOS awards in mind. The first priority is bright colors that will be attractive to buyers, especially at shows. Color sells. Awards are a by-product of using some exceptional material that I obtained over the years and selective breeding. Being an AOS judge I...
  15. Paph Paradise

    You be the judge

    There is nothing wrong with an HCC. The plant is still being recognized as 'above average'. It seems like some judges wont nominate something if they only see 75 points. If it's close I always say let's score it to be sure. Of course once something is nominated it seems it almost always gets an...