2025 Paph Forum Feb 8

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Washington DC, USA
8:00AM - 4:30PM

Educational Program With Expert Speakers
Hundreds of Blooming Slipper Orchids on Display
Orchids for Sale by Recognized Vendors & NCOS Members
Attendees Bring Blooming Slippers for Show Table and AOS Judging


Gold Country Orchids, CA "Cultural Requirements of the Different Sections in the
Genus Paphiopedilum"

JEFF MORRIS Recognized for his growing with 53 AOS Awards,
most of them cultural
"Phragmipedium Culture"
Longwood Gardens, PA "Native Orchid Conservation
with an Emphasis on

VIRTUAL: $36 Join NCOS and register at the Member rate! General and NCOS Member
options include lunch, snacks, beverages and a door prize ticket. Virtual via Zoom.

VENDORS Paph Paradise, Sunset Valley Orchids, Woodstream Orchids,
Jeff Morris, Frank Cervera

North Chevy Chase Christian Church
8814 Kensington Parkway
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
NOTE: Sales Tables are closed during Program Sessions.
Email [email protected] with any questions.
I certainly don't mind paying some more...... but almost 100%

Wow..... At first when i saw this i figured they were bringing in speakers from All over the world, and had to offset their travel
to me it would have been better to move the fee up $10 a year even to offset the costs...
but all at once....

oh well.....
It was $62 last year, $50 when I attended in 2017 (when the speakers were indeed from across the world.) I'm not saying don't go; I'm saying it's not worth it to me.
As everyone knows, costs have skyrocketed in recent years, especially in major metropolitan areas! Facilities and food costs in particular. We’ve really attempted to not raise fees, but our pp costs last year were half again what our fee was—not sustainable. There is the virtual option, for the Forum which is more affordable, well done and can be watched later. If you join NCOS and get the member price for in person, you also have the benefit of every speaker at NCOS meetings for the year on ZOOM..
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Tony I know you’re probably not inclined to but you are the kind of person who should be speaking at these things

I agree price hike is a lot but i will plan on going to support the event. The only way the event can get better is if people keep going
The cost of renting space for events has doubled (or more) for many venues. The Paph Forum provides lunch, and catering costs have gone through the roof too.
Also, the Forum used to take 20% of vendors' sales to fund the event. They have gone to a flat table fee, which is more vendor friendly.

Paph Paradise is listed as a vendor, but I will not be there in person due to a conflict with the Toronto show. Alan will be selling my plants.

It was $62 last year, $50 when I attended in 2017 (when the speakers were indeed from across the world.) I'm not saying don't go; I'm saying it's not worth it to me.
That is a big increase! About 20 years ago, I paid probably $50, plus some late fees... I had to pay the entrance fee by check at the door because of late registration. There was no lunch provided if I remember right.
As everyone knows, costs have skyrocketed in recent years, especially in major metropolitan areas! Facilities and food costs in particular. We’ve really attempted to not raise fees, but our pp costs last year were half again what our fee was—not sustainable. There is the virtual option, for the Forum which is more affordable, well done and can be watched later. If you join NCOS and get the member price for in person, you also have the benefit of every speaker at NCOS meetings for the year on ZOOM..

@southernbelle is correct. The cost of standing up these events has skyrocketed in the past few years. And the reimbursement costs for speakers, even those local, has tripled or quadrupled. Even a local speaker gets mileage if they drive, which includes gas, meals, putting the speaker up in a hotel, and usually a check for a few hundred dollars for the talk. Anyone further out than a few hours drive is going to ask for reimbursement for their flight and those prices have likewise skyrocketed. It can easily cost $1000+ to get a local speaker in. Doing some basic math that means breaking even at 10 registrants per speaker. And this does not include the cost of the facility, lunch, and any other miscellaneous costs that inevitably arise.

These events cannot afford to continue running a loss every year.

Getting international speakers is even more challeneging due to visa issues and the costs are triple a local speaker at the least.

The value in going to these events is quite high, even with the price this year (and the same applies to the World Slipper Conference in Hilo next week). Its not just the speakers. Seeing, talking to, and meeting new slipper friends has a value. There is only so much we can get out of a local society of mixed orchid interests. Some of the best slipper friends I have, I have met at shows such as the Paph Forum. Second, being able to buy plants from vendors in person is great for those of us, like me, who are picky about what we add to our collections and being able to see the plants in person, and talk to the vendor live, has a value. Mail order is great, but buying plants, especially expensive plants, blind, has been hit or miss for me. Add to that the ability to get friendly with the vendors and you might get an inside shot at something quite nice. Third, access to speakers has a value. All speakers (save one in my decades of going to these types of events) are available to talk, answer questions, and provide valuable insights into their topics, and others, that you just cant get from a virtual meeting. Picking the brains, so to speak, of a lecturer and getting face to face with them has given me a lot of insights I would not otherwise have had I stayed home. Fourth, the show tables are always great, especially at the Paph Forum. You will be hard pressed to find a better show table dedicated to slippers. Is this not why we grow our plants? To get the flowers? Am I wrong on that? Lastly, you don't have to pay shipping costs and deal with the hassle for any plants you buy!

Even at $110 for general admission the value add is high in going. Yeah, a lot of things used to be a lot cheaper and yeah, the past few years has seen dramatic increases in the price of a lot of things, which we all have to bear the burden of. But whats the point in investing in this hobby like we do if $110 to spend a day with friends, vendors and speakers is not worth it?

I haven't been since I lived in Baltimore, MD. But I don't remember paying too much
I plan and run conferences in a different niche (mycology). Chiming in to say costs are going up across the board. $110 for a one-day event with all these speakers seems very reasonable to me. If I could get there, I'd be happy to pay that much for a ticket. I wish I could go.

Anybody know if the presentations are recorded and available for someone who buys a virtual ticket but can't attend that day? Thank you.

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