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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. aquacorps

    Paph Forum 2012- Feb 18

    Bob, I was sent an email from the paph guild a few months ago with a link to Perner's web site to pre-order plants. he didn't have anything out of the ordinary. if i can find it, i will send it to you. russell ps the plants look healthy
  2. aquacorps

    Dr Norito Hasegawa Speaking

    He also likes peanut brittle.
  3. aquacorps

    Vacation Paphs.

    Don't forget to have lunch at K & W.
  4. aquacorps

    Paph Tokyo Knight Dream

    It will get whiter. Thanks for watching it for me.
  5. aquacorps

    black orchid movie

    Has anyone seen this movie? looks interesting and $15 USD is not too bad for a dvd.
  6. aquacorps

    A single brachy in bloom

    Very nice! Love the spots.
  7. aquacorps

    Phrag Jason Fischer 'True Blood' second blooming

    If it was taken to AOS judging it would get a HCC 77.
  8. aquacorps

    Brachy culture
  9. aquacorps


    Eric, Try to get on a judging team with Howard Ginsberg. He is a great guy and knows his phals and catts.
  10. aquacorps

    Why was I created?? Paph Bruno

    A few years ago I wrote to the president of the AOS to tell him of my bad experience at a judging center. A few months later I got an email from the head of judging. In a number of emails I was told that my species was actually leeanum x spicerianum and if I wanted to register the cross I could...
  11. aquacorps

    Palms in the snow

    It's Obama's fault. Snow was removed promptly when Bush was president.
  12. aquacorps

    Two Terry Jarvi crosses and a discussion of orange

    Tim, didn't Fransicso make Evan Thomas? Got my Terry Jarvi from Joel. Love the yellows.
  13. aquacorps

    Aquacorps shares paphs.

    "Aqua Corps" was a technical diving in the mid-90's. Eric I still have the paph. Chrystalle to give you. I just need to find time to bring it and my daughter to the city.
  14. aquacorps

    AOS?... or maybe just me

    I had a bad experience attending judging a few years ago. I wrote the president and told him about it. To his credit he had the head of judging contact me. A judge claimed the species we brought was actually a hybrid. After a series of emails i was offered the chance to register the "hybrid"...
  15. aquacorps

    AOS?... or maybe just me

    I stopped being a AOS member last year, and have never been happier. "orchids" is not missed. With all due respect to Ed K. i would love to represent Alex, though my specialty is defending those accused of crimes.
  16. aquacorps

    Paph Garibaldi 'John'

    Nice plant.
  17. aquacorps

    Nick has new specials!!

    Nick updated his web site earlier today. I have over 100 of his plants already. have fun!!
  18. aquacorps

    Paph Russ Palmer 'Pink Berry'

    Bob, One of my favorites. Plus I am fertile.
  19. aquacorps

    Paph Russ Palmer 'Pink Berry'

    Pretty plant.
  20. aquacorps

    Paph liemianum 'Orchid Loft' AM/AOS

    All of Cryder's awards have the clonal name "TipTop". It does not appear he ever got liemianum awarded. Orchid Loft is/was out of Pennsylvania. pretty plant.