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  1. T

    Paph. Albion pollen

    I had at one time 4 clones of Albion: 'Wyldcourt', 'AM/RHS', 'Bodnant', and 'Chilton'. The clones 'Bodnant' and 'AM/RHS' are likely the same; the clone that parades itself around as 'FCC/RHS' is the 'Bodnant' clone as well. The unawarded clones 'Chilton' and 'Wyldcourt' are possibly the same...
  2. T

    Moreton Bay 'Springtime'

    Fascinating - never heard of this clone. The clone 'Shigedonia' I think has an AM/AJOS and is was very important green breeder in Japan, and in the US, the clone 'Sunshine' got an AM in 1972 and apparently never did anything as a breeder. It is surprising that a plant registered in 1950 has...
  3. T

    21st World Orchid Conference Grand Champion - Angulocaste Olympus

    omg so boring and off the pace! This is a grex from the 1970s? Probably a clone from then as well! Years ago in 1982 there was a clone on the East Coast that got a 99 point cultural award with 50-some flowers and 20 buds grown in a huge homemade box. It gradually got higher and higher CCMs...
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    Fungus on Cherry tree

    sulfur shelf is delicious...
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    Dendrobium kingianum var semi-alba

    Do any of you Australians know if there are alba speciosums? Or albas of anything other than tetragonum and kingianum?
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    longifolium album

    has anyone made and / or flowered the cross of this and besseae flavum? Results? If no flowers yet, are the seedlings pigmented? I'm so curious to see how albinism works in phrags...
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    sukhakulii/Paphs Sept 1

    what is the vinicolor-complex, the third photo? suks are wonderful...
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    Plants for JODOS show

    What's the green?
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    Paeony x Barbourn

    good color and form; Paeony is such a good parent...
  10. T

    2 Blue Zygos

    I don't see much standard zygo in the first one...Artur Elle is a standard zygo, and that looks like a Aganisia. A case for cleistogamy?
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    Paph.Honey Dew x Venture

    good color, good shape considering the parents. Honey Dew is such an interesting breeder - always with the nice color...
  12. T

    niveum and brachys

    3rd - fullest petals and that great high Lady Luck 'Change Up'
  13. T

    Award for Pat Hart

    Beautiful dark Maudiae, beautiful...maybe x Paeony or Amanda or something with them in Hamana Clover or Hamana Sonick... I can't believe Pat Hart is fertile...that's something really special there... It would be interesting to approach this combination in both directions - crossing...
  14. T

    Award for Pat Hart

    out of curiousity, with what other clones of Maudiae have you remade this? I think there's something to the idea that some clones of Maudiae are "magic" - I come back to the prevalence of the use of Maudiae 'Prieta' by Stewarts to make the entire first generation of vinis... Do you have a...
  15. T

    New Complex

    nice color - we don't see much from Margaret Brands lines over here, especially considering how beautiful and successful Wildroot was. Mem. Barbara Francis is certainly a lovely flower and maybe a good breeder as well?
  16. T

    Anybody know what this is?

    yep Odontoglossum pendulum...
  17. T

    P. Rosetti "Fowlers" AM/AOS

    To the best of my knowledge, although often purporting to have an AOS award, this carries only an AM/RHS from the very early 1900s. The clonal name 'Fowler's' refers to J. Gurney Fowler, an RHS judge at the turn of the century and an avid collector of paphs. Of interest to note is its apparent...
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    Phrag Grande 'Val' AM/AOS

    What probably happened is that a different exhibitor realized it was a Grande, not a caudatum (interestingly enough a pretty common mistake at the time), and exhibited it as Caudatum 'Val' with no award, and then it got an HCC by a team not familiar with its history. That's my guess anyways...a...
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    Phrag Grande 'Val' AM/AOS

    This was awarded as Phrag. caudatum 'Val' FCC/AOS
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    Paphiopedilum Nitens

    Do you have provenance for this plant? Do you know if it's from a recent crossing or an old one? Certainly beautiful, and an exceptionally important parent in the development of complexes...