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    Anitum Ninja

    A thought that came up while reading your bad news with this one, sorry, do you stop feeding nitrogen while in bud stage? I have an anitum x brachy hybrid going into flower and today am contemplating feeding with a diluted 10-10-10 with ro water, I have been feeding with diluted...
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    Paph. concolor, 3 spikes, at least 2 bi-floral

    Looks like chlorophyllum, I love those, they multi flower alot on big plants
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    Paph adductum

    I love your adductum, that huge chin pouch is cool, I have a anitum x S-gratrix going into flower I got from sarkowsky in 2016
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    Stairway to Heaven in Spike

    Wow it looks great!! Pictures don’t do it justice, looks like the tag is right imo
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    Paphiopedilum lowii

    Almost looks like var. richardianum
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    Bud watch: Wössner Kolorand x rothschildianum

    Randsii x kolopakingii x roth, thats gonna be a very large plant, looking forward to see the outcome, size & flower count should be high
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    Currently In bloom in my orchid room. Paphs, phals. Please look! I also want people to critique my photography!

    I like your pictures, especially the bird, I’m a big fan of predatory birds, owls mostly
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    Paphiopedilum godefroyae (labeled as leucochilum)

    Very nice godefroyae, to me better than leucochilum
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    Paphiopedilum godefroyae

    I love the brachys, thx!! Nice one
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    Please help me ID Paphiopedilum

    Resembles insigne x villosum, it looks great!
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    Paphiopedilum PEOY 'Jules' AM/AOC

    It shows the best genetics from both parents, very nice outcome
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    Paphiopedilum (Bellatrix x bellatulum) x bellatulum

    I’d be proud, thx for posting
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    Cattleya dowiana

    My fav cattleya
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    Paph haynaldianum

    Pictures do no justice for this species, the rich pastel colors are not caught by regular camera
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    A group of Brachypetala

    I love brachys, thx for posting!! I have one good one I got from dick buchter umpteen years ago He or terry root made, it’s a strong one, hopefully it will flower one of these days, “starchild x godefroyea” x “sierra bell x bellatulum” complex brachy
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    Phrag ecuadorence 'Si'

    When mine was specimen size a little smaller than yours, it would flower all year, these are so hearty and floriferous, I miss mine, thx for posting
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    Paphiopedilum parishii #2

    The leaves look quite yellow, I’d give it some cal mag, and get some water in a cup and cut the spike put the spike in the cup to view the nice flowers to save the plant, is what I’d do, nice flowering
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    My monster kolopakingii var. topperi

    whats the current leafspan? It’s a very healthy specimen size plant!!
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    Great species! I love the mature flower coloring & petal ruffles
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    Paphiopedilum liemianum ‘Charlie’ CCM/AOS

    I like the mottled foliage, with a magnesium calcium treatement those leaves would be glossy mottled, what a robust bloomer!!