What is the price for these plants. I guess selling is illegal, but Vietnamese don't care.
Hakone, can You smuggle the plant to Germany?
What is Your personel profit?
What you are showing here is a serious violation of international laws and rules.
But in this regard, the Vietnamese seem to be completely painless and only looking for additional income.
Mike, for You I expect about 0.5% all over the population of the USA. But orchid lovers will not have a better chance than politicians or other forum Members.
I hope You have children, so that Your family will not be extinguished, in case of..
subtropicum pollen on wardii should work. But it can be difficult to get subtropicum pollen in China at the moment due to corona restrictions. You should have a look in norther Vietnam for that in the next 3 month.
You can keep it running in a sterile surrounding, but that is a big job. Otherwise You need the original mycorrhizal fungi and You have to keep it alive.
But I think it is not yet tested. Who pays for that?:)
David, that doesn't look well.
In Germany attempts were made to inoculate the large Cumulonimbus clouds with condensation cores by plane.
This reduces the size of the hailstones.