Australia fire emergency

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so Stone, you're saying that man does not affect climate including humidity?
I think that humans are capable of influencing local climate including humidity from forest removal and building cities etc. I believe that it is very difficult if not impossible to distinguish that ''footprint'' from the noise of natural variability. Same goes for co2. For example, the correlation of increased co2 and rising temps does not prove causation simply because of the above point. But there are also other considerations like co2 saturation and heat transfer. In other words, no one knows and if they say they do, they are just whistling Dixie.
I think that humans are capable of influencing local climate including humidity from forest removal and building cities etc. I believe that it is very difficult if not impossible to distinguish that ''footprint'' from the noise of natural variability. Same goes for co2. For example, the correlation of increased co2 and rising temps does not prove causation simply because of the above point. But there are also other considerations like co2 saturation and heat transfer. In other words, no one knows and if they say they do, they are just whistling Dixie.

In addition: Karte (nach Dansgaard et al, 1969 und Schönwiese, 1995) des GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam for the time long before the USA

Are the bush fires in Australia extinguished?
How many billions of living beings have died? Are numbers already known?
In Hamburg we only had 40000.
You are not including the 42,900 that died nearby in Neuengamme, but they probably died before they were incinerated.
Yes, You are right, I have to subtract that number and a lot more of course.
No, the fires are just moving to fresh fuel. But the media got bored with covering it. Although it's hot news, it isn't brand new enough for their click-bait desires.

That is where I live. The fires have been threatening the city for the last couple of days. It has been insanely hot here - 42oC yesterday and the day before. Yesterday look bleak with strong winds but the fire was blown in a different direction. The weather looks cooler next week, so we might be OK for now.

Plenty of fires still burning. They will likely still burn for a month or more. It all depends on whether we get the catastrophic fire conditions.
From the CSIRO..

They go to say that ''there is a potential for fire activity to increase or decrease due to climate change''.

Slowly the alarmists who cry hysterically that CC has lead to these fires will be dragged kicking and screaming into reality.
The weather is crazy. We have had heavy rain on and off for over a week; none near David, unfortunately. That's what's really needed.

I believe we will start getting some rain tomorrow and some heavier rain from Saturday for 4 or 5 days. We sure need it. As I was riding home today I could see fires burning in the southern part of the ACT. Hopefully this forecast rain can put them out.
The weather is crazy. .

The weather has been as crazy as all hell. In between the extreme heat and fires, we had the most destructive hail storm I have ever experienced. It was complete carnage. The fibreglass panels on my pergola was destroyed. One of the solar panels on my HWS was smashed. The polycarbonate panels on my Paph house were badly damaged. I am probably going to have to replace half of them. The panels were 10mm twin walled. In some cases the hail has gone right through. Our garden was shredded.

The hail was the size of golf balls, even bigger in some cases. Everyone's cars at work have been written off. Row after row of cars with smashed windscreens and badly dented panels. My Vespa scooter was damaged. You can see in the last photo where the hail has punch holes right through the chassis. Unbelievable. As I rode home there were badly damaged abandoned cars all along the road. It looked like a war zone.

A lot of wildlife were impacted. I came across dead ibis, ducks and cockatoos. About 600 flying foxes were killed, many had holes in their wings.

Just 10 minuets of absolute mayhem.


My pergola.


My glasshouse



My hot water system


Trees were all but defoliated by the hail


My Vespa. It had lots of other damage too.


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