To me delenatii desever more that just a simple parvis plant. So, let's me ask you this way, if you have more than 1000 delenatii and about 80% has atleast 2 or more flower, then is it the gene or correct culture or whatever it is!!! (Note: this is species come from diff location)
You need to upgrade so you can use macro len then you can visit me this vietnamese new year. Alot mosquito orchid that you can't capture with regular len
In my opinion, it is not a new species, it is just another callosum growing at warmer location, if it is $30 for a flask, you should get it
Good luck,
Give me some more name NYEric, I'm running out of name :-)
I will name this "Chicken Egg"
"Duck Egg"
I was think about female part for this one hmmmm
and the queen of all
Hello all,
I would like to know if you consisder paph delenatii is multi-floral paph? if you answer is yes then why? no then why?
To me it is multi-floral paph, because most people don't grow them to it full potential or often don't see them has multiflowers. It is not the plant at fault but...
I was asking because I want to have more option, I haven't use Always Orchids yet, I will sure contact Barbara. I have a lot of pods so I want to send them to diff lab.
Thank you all,
There's thing you talk about and there's thing you don't ... the more you talk the more trouble you get yourself into.
I like mix my media around this time, So i can leave it outside during the winter time, I bought a truck load of media from kkorchid and wormsway on the way home...