Gorgeous result! The staminode is very cool. Much more Fanaticum than mine, yours is really what I was hoping to see from this cross. Unfortunately the spike on mine froze a few weeks ago so I probably won't get a bloom this year to compare.
Yeah, I agree this one felt a lot like ESB in tone, though superficially the plot tracks ANH in so many ways. I hope all the echoes of the originals are setting us up for interesting twists in the next two.
Gorgeous! This species got me hooked on orchids when I first saw one almost 30 years ago. I have a spotty clone if you ever want to trade divisions, hope to get pictures soon though it may peak while I'm out of town.
Too bad! Looks like a nice one. I think my plant of this grex is in bud again, very malipo-heavy like yours. Given that x fanaticum occurs as a natural hybrid, I'd be surprised if many lines of malipoense and micranthum weren't already reticulate in ancestry anyway.
Do you ever use systemic...
Beautiful! One of my favorite Bulbo species and this looks like a very nice clone. Ditto what Fabrice said, the one I killed a few years ago smelled wonderful.