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  1. Jaljala

    Let it snow!

    I hope your Neofinetia are okay as well !!! I guess if there is enough snow it would protect them from freezing...
  2. Jaljala

    Paphiopedilum acmodontum

    A nice species indeed, and very nice shot!
  3. Jaljala

    Masdevallia decumana

    Thank you all. Yes I have 3 T5 (2feet bulbs) above the terrarium
  4. Jaljala

    Paphiopedilum micranthum bud watch

    It's getting there :D:D:D for a few days I thought it was going to be a var. eburneum, but the pink it now showing up on the front
  5. Jaljala

    Masdevallia decumana

    Best bloom since I had this plant! Previous years it had only one or two flowers simultaneously.. Last October, I was very happy when it produced 4 flowers :drool: So now, I let you imagine... Even though I had to work with her on synchronisation: one flower is already done and several buds are...
  6. Jaljala

    Mexipedium semi-hydro

    bunch of flasks :drool::drool::drool: Wish you good success with those!
  7. Jaljala

    North Jersey Orchid Show (1/15 - 1/17)

    It looks like Maxillaria triloris Fantastic markings !
  8. Jaljala

    Masdevallia albella

  9. Jaljala

    Brasiliorchis (Maxillaria) schunkeana

    No, no, the pot is just to hold the mount for the picture :D I grow it mounted on bark and in my terrarium,
  10. Jaljala

    Waunakee Sunset x fischerii

    Great shape and color ! and a miniature plant, what else to ask for?
  11. Jaljala

    Cymbidium tortisepalum (syn. Cym. goeringii Lian Ban 蓮瓣)

    Thank you Botany Boy. I lost my two red varieties to rot because of poor timing of my watering :(
  12. Jaljala

    Cymbidium tortisepalum (syn. Cym. goeringii Lian Ban 蓮瓣)

    No I got it from Ten Shin Gardens. The one you are talking about is the abla form, which I also have but never bloomed... it is very nice. Terry at Flora Peculia is a connoisseur and has nice plants !
  13. Jaljala

    Masdevallia albella

    Intermediate temparatures, 17 to 23 celcius all year long. My terrarium is at regular room temperature, and I use T5s to light it up so not too much increase in temperature
  14. Jaljala

    Masdevallia albella

    A miniature species i keep in my terrarium. It blooms anytime of the year but it is a slow growing plant .
  15. Jaljala

    Brasiliorchis (Maxillaria) schunkeana

    Dark burgundy flowers (they seem to be black depending on the angle of view). Like most (ex)Maxillaria, it becomes big quickly :evil:
  16. Jaljala

    Cymbidium tortisepalum (syn. Cym. goeringii Lian Ban 蓮瓣)

    It is the same thing as Lianpan... Valid name seems to be Cymbidium tortisepalum, synonym Cym. goeringii var. tortisepalum or Lian Ban in China... Thank you for reminding me... I modified my title
  17. Jaljala

    Paphiopedilum micranthum bud watch

    I have it in mostly bark (Orichata) + bits of pumice and clay pellets. I put a top layer of pumice mostly for the look of it. Watering is once a week on average (less last winter when I gave it a cold drier 2 months in unheated room). I put it outside all summer south exposure in a small plastic...
  18. Jaljala

    Cymbidium tortisepalum (syn. Cym. goeringii Lian Ban 蓮瓣)

    I prefer other forms of C. goeringii (especially the red flowers), but this one is the only one that didn't die under my (lack of) care :poke:
  19. Jaljala

    Paphiopedilum micranthum bud watch

    the bud started mi december... my first bloom for a micranthum :D [url=][url] [url=][url]