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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. gotsomerice

    Moving plants across international borders?

    Seems to me that it would be easier to sell off your collection, take the money and rebuild your collection in the new country.
  2. gotsomerice

    Sobralia culture, help please.

    I grow my Sobralias exactly like my Cymbidiums, outdoor (winter low temp. down to low 40s F , 50% shade).
  3. gotsomerice

    Putting together an order

    I missed this tread:(! So NYEric, how are the plants? What did you end up ordering?
  4. gotsomerice

    How do you organize your orchids? Or do you?

    Hey terryros, Couldn't you have just use the "Contacts" app on the iphone to do this? Don't you have to pay for the Bento App?
  5. gotsomerice

    Phrag besseae ('Big Boy' x 'Colossal')

    Nice, Orchid Zone surely has nice crosses.
  6. gotsomerice


    I think the reason why the Thais are not focusing on breeding bellatulum is because most Thai breeders are in the central plain of Thailand, ie Bangkok. Paph. bellatulums grow in the northern mountainous region where night temperatures are much lower than in central plain of Thailand. In other...
  7. gotsomerice

    Masdevallia not growing well

    Most Masdevallias like night temperature in the low 50's. If you live in San Francisco. They grow like weeds!
  8. gotsomerice

    paph leucochilum ( Dancing Together)

    Cheyene, I actually seen one like that at Ray Rands' in the late 90's. I have no idea what happen to his collection now.
  9. gotsomerice


    I'm waiting for the price to comedown. It's way too expensive now.
  10. gotsomerice

    Anybody knows what Cattleya this is ?

    It's a hybrid of C. warscewiczii. Don't think it's a pure specie.
  11. gotsomerice

    Variegated randsii seedling

    Good luck. I don't think that the variegation will take.
  12. gotsomerice

    Paph randsii- Sam Tsui

    randsii is impossible for me to grow. I've killed so many! :(
  13. gotsomerice

    Paph Sierra Bell x bellatulum

    Originator is most likely Nick Tannaci or Orchid Zone.
  14. gotsomerice

    Paph micranthum v. album

  15. gotsomerice

    fairrieanum culture???

    I say leave them outside and increase the humidity! (Notice I said increase humidity not watering.) My plants are grown outside and winter can go down to lows 40F. They grow like weeds for me. Most old growths have 2-3 new growths each season. Check out my other post for the images of my...
  16. gotsomerice

    Two Lealia anceps var. coerulea

    Wow, never seen one with the form this good. You should clone it.
  17. gotsomerice

    Paph. fairrieanum at my office. Three flowers!

    Here is my Paph. fairrieanum at my desk.:D
  18. gotsomerice

    Paph. (Sierra Bell x bellatulum)

    yes SlipperKing! I CANNOT stand plastic pots! I want all my pots to compliment my plants. I spend so much money on plants. Why would I put them in cheap plastic pots? It's like you have a Picasso painting with 99-cent Store's frame!
  19. gotsomerice

    Paph. (Sierra Bell x bellatulum)

    Nope. Each fan got one flower.
  20. gotsomerice

    Paph. (Sierra Bell x bellatulum)

    This year I got 3 flowers! One drop right before these two open. ns=7cm x 7cm