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  1. P.K.Hansen

    Paph. malipoense

    This one is fragrant. My other one isn't A nice smell though I'm not sure it's raspberries.
  2. P.K.Hansen

    Paph. malipoense

    Well, my hangianum showed a starting bud on 10-07-20 which hasn't developed further since :rolleyes:
  3. P.K.Hansen

    paph. druryi

    I give it a spot directly under the lamp, because I've read it gets quite a lot of light in nature. it's kept evenly moist, fed year round with normal flower food in about ½ strenght every two weeks, in winter I skip it some times. I got it as a mature plant, that has been slow growing, but it...
  4. P.K.Hansen

    Paph. malipoense

    Bud spotted 01-09-2020, so nearly six months.
  5. P.K.Hansen

    paph. druryi

    I have it in my basement under LED-lights. It lives together with gratrixianum, esquirolei, Leeanum and a few other hybrids. No heat, a window opened almost every night - not when there's less than -2 C outside. They all flower there. Actually all my plants have those conditions, and most seems...
  6. P.K.Hansen

    paph. druryi

    I've had this for three years. Bought from Popow. Not sure if it will open more, but couldn't wait to show it 😄
  7. P.K.Hansen

    Paph. malipoense

    My best malipoense so far. The light wasn't good, so I'll try to get a better pic tomorrow.
  8. P.K.Hansen

    Paphiopedilum gratrixianum fma aureum

    Very interesting :)
  9. P.K.Hansen

    Two 'Bud' Brothers of Exuls

    Mine just blasted the first bud, but there's another so there's still hope :)
  10. P.K.Hansen

    Paph. hirsutissimum alboviride/album

    Wonderful flower :)
  11. P.K.Hansen

    My Paph. insigne

    Neither do I 👍
  12. P.K.Hansen

    My Paph. insigne

    As Guru says, it's just not what I hoped for. I want one like the picture he posted above, with a flatter, greener dorsal. I guess we're spoiled :)
  13. P.K.Hansen

    My Paph. insigne

    Well Jens, I'm not too thrilled about it anyway ( three flowers right now though) 😁 I'll get me another one - hopefully the real deal.
  14. P.K.Hansen

    My Paph. insigne

    This is one of my insigne ( have another, better, just like it) Looks much like yours.
  15. P.K.Hansen

    Paph. wardii var. album

    Beautiful. I killed mine.
  16. P.K.Hansen

    P. sukhakulii (non-aureum)

    Nice sukhakulii though.
  17. P.K.Hansen

    Paphiopedilum javanicum var floresianum

    beautiful flower.
  18. P.K.Hansen

    delenatii alba x venustum var. measuresianum

    The bin it is 😁
  19. P.K.Hansen

    delenatii alba x venustum var. measuresianum

    It looked even worse the first time. Is this just one of those crosses that makes no sense, or is this clone simply extremely poor? If anybody has a good one, please show it. When I saw it for sale, I thought it would make an interesting hybrid, but this outcome is just awfull :confused: Anyway...