Paph. hirsutissimum alboviride/album

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Scholar, Addict and Aficionado of Orchidacea
Supporting Member
Feb 1, 2019
Reaction score
Just opening... will get larger and more petal twisting... color glows like a fresh green alpine meadow. Maybe I'll name him 'Spirit of the Forest.' or 'Fuzzy' lol.


The sibling received an FCC/AOS in Chicago in 2018 (Sam's Choice).

More pics to follow when fully open.
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DJ, the plant is so cute as well as the flower. Enjoy the moment lol.

The flower will keep expanding with twists and turns. It's a wonder of nature. Please post with updates here if you like.

What is parentage?
Leslie, this striking greenish flower in your update photos leaves me with envy and drooling on my keyboard. 👍 👍
Even today, the flower is doing to you what it did to the orchid collectors and growers in the Victorian Era, evoking a highly emotional state of frenzy.

Time is of no consequence to orchids. They have the star power and they know how to control the smart bipeds around them!
Very nice...both of them!
DJ and Dr,
How difficult is their culture?
They grow with spicerianums and henryanums.

Warm to hot summers with cooler (slightly drier but not dried) winters. They can tolerate low temperatures to 10C, although I keep on average 15C winter nights (range 12-18C nights fall and winter). Winter days average 22C.

Likes bright light around 1400 to 1600 fc. Even up to 2000 fc with good ventilation.

Blooms like clockwork February to March.

I'd say they are easy to grow and are pretty strong plants. Clumps well.