What is parentage?
Looking good!! Mine still needs time to mature. I will post an update later.
My tag reads Paph hirsutissum f. album 'SVO' x Paph hirsutissum f. album 'Superb'
It is from Sunset Valley.
They grow in my coldest areas in winter, almost 12C at nights sometimes.Sweet, thanks for sharing. I have problems with this species.
So true Lori.Wow! Reminds me of a sunny day. That one must really brighten up a dreary winter day for you.
Even today, the flower is doing to you what it did to the orchid collectors and growers in the Victorian Era, evoking a highly emotional state of frenzy.Leslie, this striking greenish flower in your update photos leaves me back......green with envy and drooling on my keyboard.
They grow with spicerianums and henryanums.Very nice...both of them!
DJ and Dr,
How difficult is their culture?