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  1. Rockbend

    Mexi in sheath at least

    Surprised that chilling made it bloom - mine bloom every year, never go below 50, and are blooming right now with daily temps of ~100 in their location. Yours needed other stresses apparently! :)
  2. Rockbend

    Paph. concolor var. striatum.

    For decades I've grown these as P. concolor v. khanburii
  3. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum gratrixianum

    Any 'trix' to growing and blooming Paph. gratrixianum? Have a gratrixianum/christensonianum that had 4 growths in bloom when I bought it but only 1 flower this year. Thanks
  4. Rockbend

    paphiopedilum druryi

    Additional information from Lance Birk's The Paphiopedilum Grower's Manual - in brief it's wet summers and dry winters: Confirmed this in conversations with Verghese (Peter) Mammen many years ago.
  5. Rockbend

    paphiopedilum druryi

    Another vote for growing them bright - mine blooms right next to blooming Catts and Dens, in bark mix.
  6. Rockbend

    Playing with my new camera...

    When you shoot macro images, the depth of the focus area gets reduced to millimeters or less. Parts of the flowers are in focus but the depth of field means all of the image is not in focus.
  7. Rockbend


    First hangianum I bloomed years ago was a 7.5" flower blooming in a 4" pot. Made me think of 'Audrey' in Little Shop Of Horrors. :) BTW - the first hangianums available in the US were huge flowers with average to mediocre shape. Recent hangianums have better shape but smaller size IMO.
  8. Rockbend

    Paph charlesworthii

    I have no problem growing and blooming Charles, although my flowers seem to be small compared to what I see blooming in cooler climates. Has anyone else noticed a green 'mask' at the base of the dorsal (green on back, just dark on front) on some Charles? The ones from OZ seem to have this on...
  9. Rockbend

    Paph thaianum

    We've had 'cool' mornings lately - I will survey again mid-morning when it gets 75-80 degrees. And again, everyone's sense of smell is different and there are some orchids I can't smell at all (especially a certain Lycaste that everyone else can smell).
  10. Rockbend

    Paph thaianum

    Yes. See above. :) Over the years I've decided that smells are like colors: tell 10 people to describe the same smell/color and you will get at least 4-5 different answers. I think hangianum and it's hybrids smell like my grandmother's cold cream. Everyone I know has their own answer to that...
  11. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum acmodontum First Time Bloom

    Very similar, that one I consider the 'best of the bunch' but IMO none have been a 'keeper'.
  12. Rockbend

    Paph thaianum

    SK & HP & Dr.Ee - everybody's nose is different but to my nose the most fragrant one smelled like what I call 'green apple', kind of like Neofinetia falcata. I've been around tons of roses but don't really know what 'rose' smells like, or what people are referring to when they say 'rose'. :)
  13. Rockbend

    Paph thaianum

    FWIW - I smelled 15 thaianums (from different sources) at 8:15am this morning and only 2 of the 15 were fragrant. Will try again in a couple of hours to see if anything changed. :)
  14. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum acmodontum First Time Bloom

    gego & Dr.Leslie - I guess the petals perked up after the flowers were fully open D'OH. Yes they have the tooth on front of pouch. Sorry for the lousy photo, just a quick cellphone grab pic.
  15. Rockbend

    Paphiopedilum acmodontum First Time Bloom

    Are horizontal petals the norm for this species, or are they just desirable? The ones I've bloomed (all from same flask) all have drooping petals, 45 degrees or more.
  16. Rockbend

    Hookerae ‘Icarus Wings’

    Have tried them from several sources and they all hate my neck of the woods (SE US).
  17. Rockbend

    Hookerae ‘Icarus Wings’

    One difference I've noticed between hookerae and volonteanum is that I can grow and bloom hookerae - I have had volonteanums for 10 years that have never gotten bigger than 3" across and never bloom.
  18. Rockbend

    Hookerae ‘Icarus Wings’

    Gorgeous hookerae!! :) Again, if you use black fabric as a background, black velvet or even a black t-shirt, you won't get the glare in the background.
  19. Rockbend

    Phalaenopsis lobbii vietnamensis

    FWIW - here's a 'regular' Phal. lobbii var. flava:
  20. Rockbend

    Johanna Burkhardt

    Hi Mike: FWIW I find that the staminode shape and pattern, and the distinctive 'cold cream/soap' smell makes it easy to identify hangianum hybrids. Some of the confusion comes from foreign dealers labeling hangianum hybrids as emersonii hybrids to dodge potential legality problems in the past...