Paphiopedilum acmodontum First Time Bloom

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2015
Reaction score
North Carolina
I had a great acmodontum from Woodstream several years ago. I made a number of crosses with it but lost it after the last one. It was one of those plants that got a new fan then lost the old one but I loved it. I picked up a couple new ones at the Woodstream open house and both are flowering. The following photo is the first to open all the way.
Are horizontal petals the norm for this species, or are they just desirable?

The ones I've bloomed (all from same flask) all have drooping petals, 45 degrees or more.
Are horizontal petals the norm for this species, or are they just desirable?

The ones I've bloomed (all from same flask) all have drooping petals, 45 degrees or more.
Indeed very unusual.

Perhaps urbanianum influence?? Check if there is tooth mark on middle top of pouch. Pics would help?

Most acmodontums have horizontal petals or dip 10 degrees down at most.
gego & Dr.Leslie - I guess the petals perked up after the flowers were fully open D'OH. Yes they have the tooth on front of pouch.

Sorry for the lousy photo, just a quick cellphone grab pic.