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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. chrismende

    Paph. Bailey Kalina 'Fox Valley'

    Just hugged my dear "Joy!" I wish you success with the selfing!
  2. chrismende

    Will the true superbiens please stand up!

    My thought is that this may well be true, as Popow says. Superbiens and "curtisii" have been genetically mixed for so long that I think it might be pretty much impossible now to reliably define either. The Popow plant, if it is truly a species, with clearly defined and documented habitat, etc...
  3. chrismende


    Terrific, Tyler!
  4. chrismende

    paph rod. mcclellan three star

    Tim, I love it when you answer questions! We all learn soooooo much!
  5. chrismende

    Rhynchostele ehrenbergii

    My plants of this species are in an unheated greenhouse that reaches the mid forties often in the winter here. They do well, either mounted or potted. I don't hold water during the winter, but don't feed until growth resumes.
  6. chrismende

    Clair de Lune 'Edgard Van Belle' AM/AOS

    Great old hybrid! Lovely flowers. Incidentally, the parents are Paph Emerald x Paph Alma Gevaert
  7. chrismende

    I'm going to try to lump these all together

    Eric, what's the orange one?
  8. chrismende

    Paph. Hamana Med x Jollix Land ..... GREEN!

    John, you really got lucky with that plant! I love your idea of crossing it with your little P. barbigerum album! I'm looking forward to seeing the results in a few years!
  9. chrismende

    Paphiopedilum vietnamense in situ

    Tragic how alone and damaged this plant is. Thank you Mr. Canh, for showing us. I'm glad your work involves assessing endangered orchids! You do a terrific job.
  10. chrismende

    Paph. helenae 'Charlie' 2017

  11. chrismende

    What plants do you like to grow with your orchids?

    Anthuriums, gesneriads, begonias.
  12. chrismende

    Phrag. richteri

  13. chrismende

    Den cruentum

    I love this group, too! the flowers last and last and last!
  14. chrismende

    Surprise andreetae

    Very nice!
  15. chrismende

    New "Orchidarium"

    Looks like fun to me! I've been eyeing those ExoTerra boxes at the pet store and online. What temps are you running? What's your goal humidity?
  16. chrismende

    Dragon blood

    Anyone selling it these days? I'd like to try some too.
  17. chrismende

    for paph leucochilum fans

    These are wonderful plants. I agree that a very cool collection based only on these could be made. Thanks so much for posting that link, Hien!
  18. chrismende

    Welcome to our newest vendor: The Tiny Jungle (aka Chris Mende)!

    Doings at The Tiny Jungle AKA LetsTalkPlants Well, as you can see, I've been busy and haven't had time to post here for a long time! I miss you guys, the camaraderie, and all the pics! My business partner, Tony Wells, does the eBay selling and that is going quite well. We have many species...
  19. chrismende

    Den glomeratum X cuthbersonii

    What's your temperature range and what is your water quality? I'm just beginning to be successful with some cuthbertsonii and have a few crosses of other Dend. species but not that...