Brandon Tam
Well-Known Member
What other plants do you like to grow with your orchids?
Oh. You said "like".
Not in the same pot as orchids, but I like to grow carnivorous plants such as Nepenthes, Utricularia, Pinguicula, Heliamphora, Cephalotus, Drosera. Some of these (the last three) would be happier with much stronger light, but they seem to do ok with the strong end of orchid light.
On the lower cooler shelves where I have a couple Draculas, I have all my highland Nepenthes. Also growing Pings, Drosera, Dionaea, and Tillandsia.
And bromeliads (Achmea fasciata)
Some nepenthes, sphagnum moss (comes with nepenthes), bromeliads (mostly tillandsias) and one fern
I'm loving all the carnivorous plants everyone!Azalea, carnivorous plants (sarracenia pinguicula) and begonias. And vegetables in my garden.