Blc Ports of Paradise 'Emerald Isle'
Laelia anceps v. semi alba
C. Hybrid ( LC ann follis x broughtonia sanguinea aureum)
Phaius tankerville alba
Cattleya Portia coerulea
Laelia anceps alba
Again this one isn't mine and has some slight damage on the petal but the form is very nice, i have a small sibling from this batch thought.
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Put fresh horse manure in the bottom of a pot, put the cymbidium on top (i added some potting mix on the top) and water thoroughly regularly, and watch it grow!
I got 2 backbulbs from a culture class session, a member kindly brought in a very large multi-growth plant to our local society, we divided it and handed them out. This is the result a few months later using the fresh horse manure potting method.