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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Ryan Young

    Paphiopedilum micranthum 'Sasha'

    I remember that one it was very nice! Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  2. Ryan Young

    Have you ordered from Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
  3. Ryan Young

    What i currently grow

    Added: Blc Ports of Paradise 'Emerald Isle' Laelia anceps v. semi alba C. Hybrid ( LC ann follis x broughtonia sanguinea aureum) Phaius tankerville alba Cattleya Portia coerulea Laelia anceps alba
  4. Ryan Young

    looking for Dendrobium Purple Splash in Canada

    Edited, John got the right name.
  5. Ryan Young

    looking for Dendrobium Purple Splash in Canada

    I got mine from H&R i think they are scheduled to come to Canada in the fall time? (Vancouver)
  6. Ryan Young

    Wtb (Slc) Cattleya Hsinn Bu 'lady' or 'yt' (Canada)

    Hi folks looking to source a piece of either or of these cultivars in Canada. Thanks! Ryan
  7. Ryan Young

    Phrag Papa Frankie Quintal

    Unless he got a mislabelled plant that's what the tag reads. I agree, very heavy besseae influence if so.
  8. Ryan Young

    roth season

    Great looking roths!
  9. Ryan Young

    roth season #2

    Roths just gotta love em!
  10. Ryan Young

    Phrag Papa Frankie Quintal

    Yes! No just uploader difficulties :(
  11. Ryan Young

    Phrag Papa Frankie Quintal

    Again this one isn't mine and has some slight damage on the petal but the form is very nice, i have a small sibling from this batch thought. Sent from my oneplus one
  12. Ryan Young

    Cymbidium no id

    Put fresh horse manure in the bottom of a pot, put the cymbidium on top (i added some potting mix on the top) and water thoroughly regularly, and watch it grow!
  13. Ryan Young

    Cymbidium no id

    I got 2 backbulbs from a culture class session, a member kindly brought in a very large multi-growth plant to our local society, we divided it and handed them out. This is the result a few months later using the fresh horse manure potting method.
  14. Ryan Young

    An Introduction

    From Vancouver also!
  15. Ryan Young

    Red and Orange Phal's

    Very nice!
  16. Ryan Young

    Paph adductum var. anitum

    Awesome, nice job!
  17. Ryan Young

    Paph. Alexej 'Pikachu'

    Nicest of the few I've seen online, jealous!
  18. Ryan Young

    malipoensis x jackii ?? Pic anyone?

    Found a pic on Cloud's orchids
  19. Ryan Young

    Paphiopedilum appletonianum f. album

    I love alba paphs, this one especially!