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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. G

    Phrag Ecuagenera Dream

    Yeah I really like the color and hopefully the shape will improve with age.
  2. G

    Phrag Ecuagenera Dream

    This is a first bloom seedling of Ecuagenera Dream. It's about 12 cm across.
  3. G

    Paphiopedilum volonteanum

    Very nice. I want one!!
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    L anceps coerulea

    Very nice!!
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    Anguloa clowesii

    Vary nice!!
  6. G

    Paphiopedilum volonteanum

    Vary nice!!
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    Paph. emersonii

    Very nice!!
  8. G

    Phrag. Fox Valley Fireball 'Scarlet Queen'

    Very nice!!
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    Phrag Kovachii x Dalessandroi

    Awesome flower I love the kovachii hybrids!!
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    Waunkee Wonder x dalessandroi

    I like it a lot!
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    Phrag. besseae fma flavum 'D'Oro' - 4N

    Yeah I will take one too.
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    Red Rocket x Suzanne Decker - ca575

    How big is it?
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    Red Rocket x Suzanne Decker - ca575

    Awesome color on that one. You definitely have to post pics of the others as they bloom.
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    Great shape.
  15. G

    Questions about my new phrag

    What cross is the pink one?
  16. G

    Paph. lowii

    very nice
  17. G

    Phrag. Elfin's Elegance

    I really like that.
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    Paphiopedilum appletonianum bloom in situ

    Great photos!
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    calcaneous paph's

    I have seen a list online before of paph's that like calcium supplemented in their potting mix and I can't find it now. Does anybody have any ideas where to find it? thanks Aaron
  20. G

    John from the OZ

    I got a caudatum from him last year and the flowers arrived perfectly and in full bloom.