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  1. smartie2000

    Cypripedium broken dormancy? Safe for fall planting?

    My Cyp. Emil might have broken dormancy. It has turned green. I'm just wondering if it is safe for the winter outdoors (-30oC)? What happened is that The plant broke dormancy in early Feb this year. It lost its leaves very early for some reason. I had planted the pot outside, maybe in July...
  2. smartie2000

    paphiopedilum bellatulum

    Awesome pinks. This is uncommon
  3. smartie2000

    helenae var. aureum

    Wonderful show
  4. smartie2000

    Paph. Steve Hampson

    It has strong markings, and I think thats important too
  5. smartie2000

    Paph. henryanum

    nice growing. Mine has stayed a single growth for too long..........
  6. smartie2000

    Phrag. Randy MacDonald

    This is not a small plant. It is on the larger end. But it blooms often and worth the space for me Mine is in spike again. I took a risk and planted into a terrestrial mix, so it is set back. I hope it does better next year. I wouldn't be surprised if it sends another spikes only a few months...
  7. smartie2000

    Paph Hell's Chamber and Hsinying Majakun

    Great photos, I love the white halo
  8. smartie2000

    Catasetum sanguinem

    Looks like a alien capsule, I love it
  9. smartie2000

    Paphiopedilum In-Charm Harmony 2011

    Nice bulky flowers! And well spaced
  10. smartie2000

    P. barbigerum, catching up on posts!

    whoa, healthy plants. Those henryanum look high quality with flat dorsals. I need to catch up on posts too!
  11. smartie2000

    paphiopedilum esquirolei var. album SM/TOGA

    nicely grown too
  12. smartie2000

    Paph Mary's Little Leopard 'Not Mine'

    beautiful colours :)
  13. smartie2000

    paphiopedilum bellatulum

    not so cupped. I like this one
  14. smartie2000

    P. henryanum 'September' HCC/AOS :)

    Nice Job!!!
  15. smartie2000

    Cyc. Jean E. Monnier (at last)

    excellent colour. I love the blooms
  16. smartie2000

    Paphiopedilum armeniacum

    Good shape too. Excellent armeniacum
  17. smartie2000

    Phragmipedium Les Varines

    I love the twists, this would be a nice cross to have.
  18. smartie2000

    Paph Manahawkin "Rainforest" HCC/AOS

    I like it, good solid colours
  19. smartie2000

    Cycnoches chlorochilon

    Fewer blooms because they are female flowers maybe? The plant looks compact