Catasetum sanguinem

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female (?) flowers


Best regards, Gina
These are female flowers. The male flowers are much more showy. Strange growth pattern for the spike, Normally, they should arch down. And the neame is sanguineum.
You are right, I forgot the ´u ´ (misspelling happens, my fault) and they are female, not as showy like the male ones, but grown straight on and with a clandestine charme
Did you stake the spike? They look much better with the spike straith up.
These are really neat.
I've come across quite a few of these over the past few weeks and I have no idea how I haven't noticed them before.
Do all plants grow both male and female flowers?
Do all plants grow both male and female flowers?

Yes, and sometimes hermaphrodites. Catasetums have different female flowers than male. The males are always much larger and more beautiful. Cycnoches have male and female flowers that look more alike. You really have to look at the lips to see the difference. I've never seen one of my catasetums female flower spike grow straight up like this one. I think I'm going to stake them in the future and force them to go up. They're quite attractive this way. :)
Very nice spike and flowers!
Actually, the the spike is vertical is not so rare for this species. Ctsm. sanguineum grows sometimes as terrestrial in which case hanging spikes are problematic. As with many other Catasetum species, the spikes tend to grow on a vertical position and then gain a hanging position due to the wait of the many flowers. Female flowers are normally less abundant inthe spikes and not so heavy as the males. If we add less and lighter flowers with tendence of vertical spike, we can find cases similar tothe plants shown here - however, I admit this particularcase is VERY vertical, almost like Ctsm. planiceps! Have you seen the male flowers on this plant already, in order to confirm it is a pure sanguineum? (definitely not a pure Ctsm. planiceps!)

Cycnoches have male and female flowers that look more alike. You really have to look at the lips to see the difference.
Lip differences between male and female is very obvious in the Section Heteranthe (e.g. Cyc. cooperii and Cyc peruvianum) but not in the Section Eucycnoches (Cyc. chlorochilon and Cyc. loddigesii). Therefore, it is better to look at the column: long and thin = male, short and fat = female!
I think it is normal for female spikes to grow straight upwards, male spikes arch. Nice catasetum species.. :D

this has kind of been my experience to a degree as well. You can culture them differently to encourage the sex of plant you want. if you prefer female flowers for breeding or something, grow it brighter during flowering season, if you prefer the much showier male flowers it is wise to grow them shaded during the flowering season.
No, I have not jet seen the male flowers on this plant. All my catasetum sp. are cultivated in the same light, some of them flowered famale, the bigger part male.
best regards, Gina
No, I have not jet seen the male flowers on this plant. All my catasetum sp. are cultivated in the same light, some of them flowered famale, the bigger part male.
best regards, Gina

It would be interesting to see the male flowers as well :)
Thatyou get female flores in such "young" plants only show that you are doing a very good job! Congrats! Keep so!! :)
Even though the theory says that bright light induce female flowers, this is not always the case, and above all, a plant would normally not produce female flowers if it is not strong and healthy!