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  1. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph purpuratum

    I like it. I recently got one of these from Ernie. It appears to be in bud and the mealy bugs seem to be loving'tards! I hope my bloom can hang in there. Craig
  2. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    P. Pine Glow X P. vietnamense 'October Bride'

    More nice plants from Ernie. He did sell a few while in Oregon. Craig
  3. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. Reinier

    That's a cutie. Craig
  4. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. spicerianum

    A very nice one too. I love those... Craig
  5. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Blooming around the house...

    I haven't posted any pictures in quite a while and figured I might as well since I have some things blooming right now: First is a plant I got from Ernie when he was at the Oregon Orchid Soceity meeting giving a presentation. It is Paph. Wellesleyanum forma album X Paph In-Charm White...
  6. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paphiopedilum emersonii

    Very nice. Wish I had one. Craig
  7. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Rose is Golden

    Nice job Rose. I envy those of you who are good at putting up displays. I've never won a single ribbon for any display I've put up. Thank God there are others in my society who will do it! Congratulations! Craig
  8. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. tigrinum

    Jealous Very nice Craig
  9. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph (In-Charm White x Island Mist) 'John Cole' HCC/AOS

    Agreed, likely out of In-Charm in Taiwan. Craig ps...nice too!
  10. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Gloria Naugle 'Crimson Beauty' 89.4 AM/AOS

    Looks to be a fine example of Paph Gloria Naugle that received a very nice AM from the AOS. Congratulations Craig
  11. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paphiopedilum tigrinum

    Absolutely lovely. Craig
  12. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    P. volonteanum

    Excellent colors. Craig
  13. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph tigrinum

    Any blooming tigrinum is nice. I'm waiting on a flask from Norito to give a bunch of them a try. I've killed 2 fully grown ones in my time of growing, so I thought I'd try flasklings (I'm not sure of the logic behind that, but I'm going to try anyway because I absolutely love them!) Craig
  14. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    paph Delrosi

    A fine example...especially for a first blooming. Craig
  15. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    paph Magic Lantern

    Very nice. Craig
  16. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph. Gloria Naugle AKA: "Twisty"

    Excellent color; definitely a keeper. Craig
  17. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    My Paph. Magic Lantern.

    Indeed Magic Lantern is always nice. I've never seen one I didn't like. Craig
  18. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph Lady Isabel in bloom

    Hopefully that is another spike starting....or maybe I should hope for a baby neo. The one I kept has a baby for sure and I noticed a little bit ago, either another baby or spike as well. The babys start off pretty dark before any green shows from the leaves so it's very hard to tell for a...
  19. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Paph Lady Isabel in bloom

    I just saw this plant this afternoon and it is even nicer in person than it is in the photos. The pouch is actually much darker than the photo shows. Did you use a flash Naoki? Glad you posted it as it's a nice one. Craig
  20. WolfDog1 (C. Williams)

    Award of Quality ~ Paph. lowii

    I just got it earlier this week. It's very nice.....and big. It has it's own very thick cardboard jacket to house the book. I took it to my orchid society meeting on Tuesday and several people perused it way more than I have. I just sort of thumbed through it when I got it and looked at all...