I actually voted for her display, It was really a lovely display. I love your brachys. So nice to meet you in person, Golden Rose. See you again soon at the next show. Congrats!!!
The pressure is on! I had a couple of members comment, along with their congrats, that they too, won BIS their first time & it was down hill from there! :sob: I felt I met all of the criteria but quality of flowers .... my babies were aging and the new buds just were not a poppin! It was ALOT of work, a fun experience and the best part of the show was being able to meet & talk to people. At the meetings not everyone shows up every month & they do a great job with lining up 2 speakers/presenters, so you don't get much time to talk to individuals.
It was nice to meet Vandaalex, I've seen him around but we never realized we STs! Your sense of humor was never lacking, good luck with judging!
Heck no Tom - I can help you with your big basket of top10 slippers & the 3 ferns!
There were times I was thinking of you during setup & break down......
there's a reason Tom keeps its simple!
Congratulations, Rose. Now I'm really bummed about missing the show, and I know the feeling of trying to get it all together, been there done that. Congrats again..... Jim.
Nice job Rose. I envy those of you who are good at putting up displays. I've never won a single ribbon for any display I've put up. Thank God there are others in my society who will do it!