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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. G

    Maxillaria hematoglossa

    Flower and plant are big for me. The individual growths are similar to an average sized Oncidium. I couldn't detect any scent. The lip truly is almost black, even in person.
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    Bulbophyllum woelfliae

    Sure Chad. There should be a piece I can cut you by then. I actually came from from work today to see the flower mostly open, so I guess I just misjudged the time it takes for the bud to actually fully open. The position of the flower still makes it difficult to get a good photo, but I'll...
  3. G

    Barkeria whartoniana

    It's literally one of those 2" plastic net pots with nothing inside. I can take a picture later on. Thanks Tom! I guess I'll have to research the scandens since you enable so well :p
  4. G

    Maxillaria hematoglossa

    A friend sent me a couple divisions of this not too long ago, and surprisingly, they are already blooming. This is grown outside, potted in sphagnum and relatively shady.
  5. G

    Bulbophyllum woelfliae

    I had searched for this plant for years and got the opportunity to grab it when I heard Tom was selling off his plants. This, too, is grown in the terrarium, watered almost daily, mounted on cork. I believe this is one of those species whose flowers only open in the mornings, so I haven't been...
  6. G

    Barkeria whartoniana

    Bought it from Tropical Orchid Farm this spring. Grown very bright in the terrarium in an empty net pot. Watered almost daily while roots are active and sparingly now that they've stopped growing. This species is rumored to grow upon cacti in nature. Flowers were taken about a week apart.
  7. G

    Bulbo. odontopetalum

    Had to take a few divisions of a fairly large specimen to fit it into the space in my terrarium. I'd like to offer a couple up for trade. I'd be interested in a rather large array of plants, so I'm open to most offers. I'd like to keep it to species trades. My growing areas consist of an outdoor...
  8. G

    Returned after a long journey.

    Chris, How's everything going since this was updated? You still looking for some of these? If so, we might be able to put together a trade when it's good shipping conditions (that is if we ever actually experience winter).
  9. G

    A few Pleurothallids

    These all came from Tom relatively recently, so I can't take credit for initiating blooming. Pleurothallis sp. Masdevallia erinacea Lepanthes telipogoniflora
  10. G

    Vanda vietnamica

    Ugh...another one lumped into Vanda. Beautiful flower and plant though!
  11. G

    Den. laevafolium

    Dot, I grew this plant in my terrarium mounted straight on to a cork piece, watered daily during the warm months and every few days when it got cool. Temps ranged from 70-85 spring-summer-early fall to 55-70 late fall-winter-early spring. It bloomed well for me when I had it.
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    Lepanthes tentaculata

    Good to hear it Chad! Keep me updated on the progress and all your goods from today ;)
  13. G

    Lepanthes tentaculata

    Surprised I could get this one in focus without a macro lens. Recently deflasked, grown in a terrarium. Temp range low 70s to 80 this time of year.
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    Guzmania sanguinea seedlings

    What is the diameter of your mature specimen?
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    These were given to me by a friend a few months ago. I'm really not sure why this genus isn't more popular. They're growing in my terrarium and have been very forgiving, everblooming, and the foliage and flowers are nice. K. costaricensis K. parvilabris
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    Lepanthes tentaculata

    I think it might be a few years before I can fulfill that favor with these guys ;)
  17. G

    Lepanthes tentaculata

    Sounds good Chad. What might that be Eric?
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    Lepanthes tentaculata

    Yeah, it's similar in size to Lep. calodictyon. I'd say mature leaves are between quarter and half-dollar size.
  19. G

    Lepanthes tentaculata

    I have a few of these available. These will be recently deflasked seedlings from a plant in a private collection within the U.S. This is the real species and not a recent import. I'm asking $25 plus shipping per plant. Plants will be shipped out in a deli cup with moist sphag to maintain...
  20. G

    Brassavola nodosa

    Nothing special here, but I still like it. I won this plant in the ST auction this spring, and here are its first blooms. Grown outdoors, exposed to pretty high light all day, mounted on cork. It only receives water when it rains. The smell is very strong and reminiscent of cloves. Thanks again...