Den. laevafolium

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Beautiful little thing. I love this species. I have one, it tried to bloom this summer but the buds blasted. Maybe it was because of the crazy heat we had here.
I love this little plant! Flowers last for months and the leaves quite interesting as well.
It is a warm grower. never dry out and keep it warm all the time with good light.

How did you kill the other ones? in the greenhouse during the winter?
I love this little plant!
It is a warm grower. never dry out and keep it warm all the time with good light.

How did you kill the other ones? in the greenhouse during the winter?

Thanks for the tips!

I killed the others by overwatering, I'm sure. Before I had my greenhouse.
I find that this plant is an easy target by spider mites if you keep them too dry so keep them well watered and humidity high around the plant.
Dot, I grew this plant in my terrarium mounted straight on to a cork piece, watered daily during the warm months and every few days when it got cool. Temps ranged from 70-85 spring-summer-early fall to 55-70 late fall-winter-early spring. It bloomed well for me when I had it.
Yes warm grower. Its an alternative to den. cuthbersonii. For those who have warm environment.
So far mine just chugs right along with a daily squirt of water. It's still in the original pot/mix it came in over a year ago, and I noticed the roots went through the drain holes down into a bunch of old potting mix the pot is sitting in. Its in my indoor box so lighting stays about the same year round.

I'm sure there's some seasonality to the temps and humidity in the box since we let our house temps fluctuate more than most people (it was 55F in the living room this morning!). But I think conditions inside in the box are probably more stable than out in the GH.
I don't have any culture tips but I find it beautiful!!! Hope it goes well for you...
I am not a fan of dendrobiums, and thought these were considered difficult to grow, but mine have been in bloom since spring, getting no special attention. I understand they do not like repotting...

I've had one for almost 20 years and have since bought a few more for breeding purposes. It's best to mount them on treefern. This makes it a lot harder to overwater. I nearly lost the original plant to phalaenopsis mites which I didn't notice for a long time because they're almost invisible, but it has since recovered. They seem to have a taste for this plant. Good luck with it!