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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. shakkai

    Burnham Nurseries Paphs - for UK/EU folks

    The vietnamense... delivery on Tuesday!:rollhappy:
  2. shakkai

    Phrag. Plemont

    Burham has EYOF Phrags, as does Ratcliffe. This one came from Ratcliffe, yes. Its ID reference number is EY9395. If you are over in this area, be sure to let me know, and perhaps we can arrange a nice dinner? PS. I need cheap flights from Southampton Airport, as it costs me about £40...
  3. shakkai

    Burnham Nurseries Paphs - for UK/EU folks

    So, what did you order, Elena???:evil: I just called them... Thanks for posting this!!
  4. shakkai

    Phrag. Plemont

    Should only be a day or two, Rose... once this thing decided it was time to open, it literally 'popped' open in a day or two. I'm reserving judgement on the colour until some more of the 'bud green' goes out of the flower. It does have wider petals than I expected from a dalessandrio cross...
  5. shakkai

    Phrag. Plemont

    Plemont is (Hanne Popow x dalessandroi). This flower just started to open. It is only one small flower, but it is a first time bloom on a single growth seedling. When it opens all of the way, I'll get a photo straight on...but I just love the windows in the pouch!!
  6. shakkai

    Paph Venustum Album "Candor Limelate"xHelenae "USBG"

    That's a very interesting cross - and a pretty flower, no matter how it is displayed. Thanks for noticing it and sharing it with us!
  7. shakkai

    Masdevallia Gremlin

    And me, Tracy! Weird is good!! I really like the colouring - and I am a sucker for the orchids with the 'floaty' lips. So much fun to play with! Thanks for looking everyone!
  8. shakkai

    The person below me game......

    True! Though it is difficult to explain to family and friends how someone you may have never met in person can be such a good friend. I have not only lived in more than 3 countries, I have lived on three continents - so I have learned that it is possible and useful to keep in touch with people...
  9. shakkai

    Latest haul...

    Nice new babies! As someone who has a large percentage of seedlings, I can relate to the patience required waiting for things to mature and bloom. Good luck - and hope to see photos of flowers in future!!
  10. shakkai

    Masdevallia caloptera

    Really nice flowers! I can't wait to see my Masde. pachyura bloom, it should be similar to this - also my first multifloral Masdie. These types of Masdevallia can be just as impressive as the ones with the large flowers, in my opinion.
  11. shakkai

    Masdevallia Gremlin

    After about a week of being green, this flower has finally started to colour up. The cross is angulata x strobelii, and this one has inherited the 'floating' hinged lip from angulata. Not drop dead gorgeous, but the blue/purple hairs at the front and the white hairs/glands at the back make it...
  12. shakkai

    At it again, this is very frustrating!

    Ratcliffe (through their Hardy Orchids part of the business) propagate and sell Cyps. They have 25 species listed in the list on their website: including Cyp. lichiangense and Cyp. yennanense, as mentioned above. All of their plants are propagated from...
  13. shakkai

    Hello from Basel, Switzerland

    Hey there, Ramón! Cool intro - glad to see you joining in! I know you've got lots of pretty pictures to share! :)
  14. shakkai

    Paph helenae

    That's yellow!! Such a cutie!
  15. shakkai

    Paph. Colorkuli

    Talk about spots!! Fantastic! Great base colour. The flower is a really nice form as well. Congrats!
  16. shakkai

    Double Trix X Bella Lucia: another Tannaci

    Gorgeous! I like the Double Trix one better, but they are both :drool:-worthy!
  17. shakkai

    Pleuro. rowleei (dark form)

    The best contact I have found for species in Costa Rica (and Pleurothallids in general) is on Flickr: If you like Pleuros... be prepared to :drool: Also, since we were talking about books in the other thread, Volume II of Vanishing Beauty, Native...
  18. shakkai

    Paphiopedilum Rosmarie Glanz in bud

    Look at the patterning on the inside of that pouch! Yum!! Are any of these for sale yet? :drool:
  19. shakkai

    The person below me game......

    True! Its been colder than usual here and takes the house forever to warm up in the morning! tpbm has ordered more Paphs and is waiting on a break in the weather for them to be shipped!
  20. shakkai

    The person below me game......

    True! I love peanut butter cups - but they aren't easy to find here! tpbm still has christmas decorations to put away this weekend