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  1. H

    schlimii and mazurii side by side

    I saw some discussions around these two Phrags and since both of mines are blooming I thought I share some pics. The mazurii came from Chucks and that overgrown schlimii from OZ. The flowers look alike but the mazurii plant is a miniature compared to the schlimii by a wide margin...
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    OZ kovachii

    Are those 99 cents?
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    Inexpensive kovachii

    It's not like bunch of us have these plants up the ying-yang to cull these plants--heck some of us don't even know how to grow them properly--what's the problem for OZ to release some plants for us to try growing them? The same could be said about their roths, there are some good and some bad...
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    Help on a lycaste

    definitely not a skinneri, looks like some Anglocaste hybrid
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    kovachii spiking??

    Congrats, it looks to me, keep the plant cool to avoid blasting
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    Phrag kovachii 'Barney'

    It's been open for about a week now, i think they last about 3-4 weeks. one of the pollen is going to a friend and the other i may just keep for the next bloom on another plant. I haven't really thought of breeding anything with it, maybe on a very nice JF. This is my fourth kovachii bloom so...
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    Phrag kovachii 'Barney'

    first bloom for this plant. It's my darkest one so far. NS measured 15cm--i brought it home and now about 17cm
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    Yellow and more yellow...

    i would check the roots, they could be all dead, shake the pot and see if you can tell what color.
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    Paph concolor var. striatum

    Not sure if there is such a variety, but that's how it was labeled:
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    Clear pots

    yes love to see the roots but hate to see green moss/algae growing in them
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    Paphiopedilum sanderianum

    5 flowers on a spike, amazing!
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    Paph. Mac Worth 'Monster' AM

    Congrats, looks great!
  13. H

    Stanhopea Heaven Scent

    Bloomed yesterday:
  14. H

    Paph dayanum?

    Slipperking, let me know when yours bloom. I can send you some pollen.
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    Paph dayanum?

    so if I bred them...uhm...what will I end up with? It's really strange that they can both be called dayanum, i thought the staminode difference will separate the two..oh well what do i know about taxonomy, I just like growing these things.
  16. H

    no more water soluble snail killers?

    That's the $64000 question...slug it was an easy applicator, didn't burn and effective, killed bush snails that likes to hide inside pots and crevices, if someone can bring this back it will be a money maker for sure
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    no more water soluble snail killers?

    thanks abax, I wanted something easy to use, Measurol sounds too toxic. I tried the pellet stuff and they just mold up.
  18. H

    no more water soluble snail killers?

    really?!?! well goes one...they're the maker of sluggo but they stopped, i think they were concerned it will pollute the waters. the mix with water makes it turn white and i have say it was damn effective!
  19. H

    no more water soluble snail killers?

    I looked everywhere, is there no longer water soluble snail killers? I hate the pellets, the snails have to come to contact with them--i rather contact them!