no more water soluble snail killers?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2011
Reaction score
Bay Area, Calfornia
I looked everywhere, is there no longer water soluble snail killers? I hate the pellets, the snails have to come to contact with them--i rather contact them!
really?!?! well goes one...they're the maker of sluggo but they stopped, i think they were concerned it will pollute the waters. the mix with water makes it turn white and i have say it was damn effective!

Measurol or Mesurol...I forget which spelling is correct. It does the job
very well even on bush snails, but it killed a few small mounted Phals. in the process. It didn't distress larger plants at all. You just about have to wear
a HazMat suit to spray the stuff.
They are all quite toxic. If you have your orchids on benches, you can use the wellknown beertrap, on damp nights they work extremely well.
I always use this method for ground orchids.
For the baskets/mounted one it is indeed difficult. Watering under water and then searching the critters... But I am slowly approaching numbers where time gets an issue.
That's the $64000 question...slug it was an easy applicator, didn't burn and effective, killed bush snails that likes to hide inside pots and crevices, if someone can bring this back it will be a money maker for sure
I used to use a product called 'Slug Fest' or something like that. Liquid metaldehyde based, worked good for when I had a 4000 square foot nursery, but it is not for use in residential areas I am pretty sure. I also won't use it around my home because I have a dog. I just purchased a product called Snail and Slug Away made by Gro Power. It is a pellet that is 2% cinnamon oil. I haven't used it yet; but I have seen some signs of snail damage on a few plants that came from a seller on Ebay, which I isolated. I am going to bust it out this weekend; I will let you know if it works...
I found something similar online called Slug Clear, sold in the UK.
Maybe Keithrs can give us a source.

I purchased mine from Ebay UK. Contact sellers before you buy. The EPA has outlawed liquid metaldehyde for home owners as it pollutes water ways and is almost impossible to remove from the water. Its has been linked to dead wild birds also.

I have only used it once and it works good. I mostly use Sluggo Plus and Corry's but every so often I get an invasion of slugs(mainly spring time).
sorry but are you saying that most systemic insecticides work on slugs/snails?
if so, i'll disagree.
if you're talkin' about something else, don't mind me....

Once every 6 months I apply a drench of aphicide. The following morning there are always a number of dead slugs on the greenhouse floor. I don't know what the cause is, but the event is time related to the aphicide application?
what is the aphicide?

Sorry, I don't know offhand, but will check in the morning. Perhaps it is the solvent/carrier or something else in the formulation which the slugs are sensitive to? I have often thought of applying it more often, but I am always concerned for my Bostons and the Gouldians in the greenhouse. It is a mission getting the Gouldians separated everytime I want to apply chemicals, and the Bostons kind of rule the property and become testy if I exclude them from the greenhouse for a few days.
sorry but are you saying that most systemic insecticides work on slugs/snails?
if so, i'll disagree.
if you're talkin' about something else, don't mind me....

The carbamate and organophosphate, definitely yes. When I use carbofuran, it kills all the slugs and snails. But they are for professional use, and some are even banned today ( parathion, aldicarb...). And most systemic insecticides were in those two classes 15 years ago.

Stuff like imidacloprid or the pyrethrenoids are not efficient however.
I used to use a product called 'Slug Fest' or something like that. Liquid metaldehyde based, worked good for when I had a 4000 square foot nursery, but it is not for use in residential areas I am pretty sure. I also won't use it around my home because I have a dog....

Are you talking about this stuff?:


Super effective against slugs, but evil nasty awful horrible - I mean really bad! - effects on pets and humans. We used to use this stuff by the case before it fell victim to the cost of compliance with modern labeling requirements. Not so great against some snail species unless used in conjunction with a carbamate molluscicide.